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In this annotated bibliography towards the development of environmental politics, looking at issues of justice, Iris Young's Responsibility for Justice, argues that we should think about personal responsibility in relation to social... more
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      EconomicsSustainable CommunitiesEnvironmental policyPolitical Ecology
There is a pressing need to explore alternate energy options which are sustainable, locally available and eco-friendly. About 70% of all air pollution (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates) comes from our use of fossil fuels... more
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      SustainableFossil FuelsPhotovoltaicCarbon emission
In modern days, we use computers and resources very frequently without considering their harmful effects to our environment. Green computing is a technique by which, we use computers and its resources without harming our ecosystem. Green... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringRenewable EnergyGreen Computing
Green Marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern market. In the emerging world the concept of pollution free activity is given more importance in all the sectors and in all stages. The... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen Products
Solar energy has been the subject of great development in the past years, which led to the concept of Solar Roads. The solar roadway is a series of the structurally engineered solar panel that is driven upon. Solar roadway means the use... more
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      Electrical EngineeringCivil EngineeringRenewable EnergyAsphalt
Nanoscale iron particles have attracted substantial interest due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Over the years, various physical and chemical methods have been developed to synthesize these nanostructures which are... more
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      Green ChemistryNanotechnologyMetal NanoparticlesNanoscience
Research has proven that contact with natural environment and green space promotes good healthy lifestyles and well-being of individuals (Henwood, 2001; Wells & Evans, 2003; and Pretty, 2004). Green exercise is seen as a strategy that... more
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      Physical ActivityWell-BeingSocio-ecological system dynamicsHappiness and Well Being
The coagulation performance of Bentonite (BE) aided by Sodium Alginate (SA) to remove basic dyes was investigated. Four basic dyes Rhodamine B (RB), Malachite Green (MG), Methylene Blue (MB) and Basic Violet 14 (BV) were used to cover a... more
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      Eco-Friendlydye removal efficiency
The North Eastern Region has tremendous scope for expansion of horticulture industries that are environment and eco-friendly. The dietary intakes of food around the world are shifting toward diets from secondary goods to primary... more
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      HorticultureSustainable DevelopmentDietChemical
Generation of waste foundry sand as by-the product of metal casting industries causes environmental problems because of its improper disposal. Thus, its usage in building material, construction and in other fields is essential for... more
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    • Eco-Friendly
Recently in this laboratory a new route for the synthesis of azitidinones (6a-g) was developed by eco-friendly reactions to increase the yield of products by maintaining the purity of them. As well as the use of... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersTargeted Drug DeliveryDrug deliveryDrug Delivery System
The world of arts and handicrafts represents a great saga of culture, traditions and historical legacy associated with each particular region. India, in general and Madhya Pradesh, in particular are known for the impressive range of... more
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