Early school Leavers
Recent papers in Early school Leavers
The paper presents the results from the first phase of an education design research, identifying and describing design criteria that can be used for designing learning arrangements that are (1) designed for school leavers and unemployed... more
Resumen: En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados de una investigación cualitativa realizada en dos institutos públicos en Cataluña, con distinta composición sociocultural, sobre las principales medidas de apoyo al alumnado que... more
The paper summarizes proposals for improved monitoring of students in Malta at risk of early school leaving (ESL), and improved preventative measures. Administrative data for a full cohort of students in Malta were examined to identify... more
Daniëlle Brekelmans, 1359315 Pagina 1 van 18 Paper literatuuronderzoek LEH2 1. Wat zijn de oorzaken van vroegtijdig schoolverlaten? 2. Wat zijn de gevolgen van vroegtijdig schoolverlaten? 3. Wat wordt er op landelijk en regionaal niveau... more
The purpose of this study is to address the gaps in the literature and compare the job satisfaction between school leavers and college graduates. Specifically, the proposed study sought to expand the existing, yet limited research... more
Progetto di gruppo Ricerca di base 2015-"La dispersione in Umbria: definizione del perimetro e costruzione di un sistema di prevenzione", finanziato con il fondo Ricerca di base anno 2015 (quota gruppo).
Early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a multifaceted and multicomplex phenomenon which has consequences on individual, social and economical level. According to that, it is one of the current priorities of the European Union... more
Early school-leaving is a hot topic in Spain due to the high level of early abandonment. Using mostly a quantitative approach, existing research on this issue focuses on identifying social factors such as social class, family structure... more
If we consider modern higher education as a service provided by the state, then it is important to know the requirements of a potential consumer. The young people are unable to pay for their education themselves, therefore, it is mostly... more
Early school leaving is a hot topic in Spain due to the high percentage of early abandonment, close to 23% in 2014. Existing research on the topic of school dropouts, mostly using a quantitative approach, both at national and... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza el programa Beca 6000 implantado en Andalucía en el curso académico 2009-2010 con el objetivo de reducir el abandono educativo temprano, focalizado en el alumnado que cursa estudios postobligatorios no... more
This study examines non-completion of Year 12 at school for a nationally representative sample of young people who were 15 years old and still attending school in 2003. The study explores relationships between non-completion and selected... more
This report examines the process of school leaving and the transition from school to post-compulsory education, training and the labour market. Young people who do not stay on to complete senior secondary school are a major focus of the... more
Recently, vocational education and training (VET) programs have been introduced into senior secondary schools, increasing the focus on workplace experience and workplace learning. This research is focused on the progress of several groups... more
This study examines non-completion of Year 12 at school for a nationally representative sample of young people who were 15 years old and still attending school in 2003. The study explores relationships between non-completion and selected... more
The purpose of this study is to address the gaps in the literature and compare the job satisfaction between school leavers and college graduates. Specifically, the proposed study sought to expand the existing, yet limited research... more
This report examines the process of school leaving and the transition from school to post-school education, training and the labour market. A major focus of the report is young people who do not stay on to complete senior secondary... more
This report examines the process of school leaving and the transition from school to post-school education, training and the labour market. A major focus of the report is young people who do not stay on to complete senior secondary... more
Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
The theoretical framework of the paper combines the notions of school disengagement and educational trajectories. Our current research has demonstrated that several trajectories of school disengagement can be distinguished: unanticipated... more
This report examines non-completion of Year 12 at school for a nationally representative sample of young people who were 15 years old and still attending school in 2003. The study explores relationships between non-completion and selected... more
The transition from school to work continues to be difficult for some Australian school-leavers and youth unemployment remains high. This report looks at the methods used by Australian school-leavers to find employment, focusing on the... more
Przedmiotem artykułu jest sytuacja młodzieży NEET (niepracującej i nieuczestniczącej w formalnej edukacji, ang. not in employment, education or training) w Polsce na tle Europy. W artykule autorzy przedstawiają zróżnicowanie udziału... more
Increasing emphasis on, and expansion of, education and the significance of qualifications raises the question of what happens to those who do not complete their secondary school education. This report focuses heavily on early school... more