Drazin Inverse
Recent papers in Drazin Inverse
A new result on the Drazin inverse of 2 × 2 block matrix M = A B D C , where A and C are square matrices are presented, extended in the case when D = 0, the well known representation for the Drazin inverse of M , given by Hartwig, Meyer... more
Additive perturbation results for the generalized Drazin inverse of Banach space operators are presented. Precisely, if A d denotes the generalized Drazin inverse of a bounded linear operator A on an arbitrary complex Banach space, then... more
We generalize the iterative method for implementation of the limit representation of the Moore±Penrose inverse, lim a30 as e à e À 1 e à , introduced by Zukovski and Lipcer [ Z. Vicisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. 12 (1972) 843; 15 (1975) 489]. More... more
This paper studies additive properties of the generalized Drazin inverse (g-Drazin inverse) in a Banach algebra and finds an explicit expression for the g-Drazin inverse of the sum a + b in terms of a and b and their g-Drazin inverses... more
The main theme of this paper can be described as a study of the Drazin inverse for bounded linear operators in a Banach space X when 0 is an isolated spectral point ofthe operator. This inverse is useful for instance in the solution of... more
over integral domains. The main results consist of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a group inverse, a new formula for a group inverse when it exists, and necessary and sufficient cpnditions for the existence of a... more
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use. This paper has been... more
Some additive perturbation results for Drazin inverses are given. In particular, a formula is given for the Drazin inverse of a sum of two matrices, when one of the products of these matrices vanishes. Some special applications of this... more
Properties of the Drazin inverse of the matrix F ¼ I I E 0 , with E square, are investigated. Based on this approach, it is obtained an explicit formula for the Drazin inverse of matrices of the form , where U, V, P and Q are n • k. The... more
Several basic properties of the Drazin spectrum in Banach algebras will be studied. As an application, some results on meromorphic Banach space operators will be obtained.
In this talk results on isolated spectral points, group, Drazin and Koliha-Drazin invertible elements in the context of quotient Banach algebras or in ranges of (not necessarily continuous) homomorphism between complex unital Banach... more
Given Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ and Banach space operators $A\in L(X)$ and $B\in L(Y)$, let $\rho\colon L(Y,X)\to L(Y,X)$ denote the generalized derivation defined by $A$ and $B$, i.e., $\rho (U)=AU-UB$ ($U\in L(Y,X)$). The main... more
In this article, we introduce a full-rank representation of the Drazin inverse A D of a given complex matrix A, which is based on an arbitrary full-rank decomposition of A l , l k, where k is the index of A. Using this general... more
Given a Banach Algebra $A$ and $a\in A$, several relationships among the Drazin spectrum of $a$ and the ascent, the descent and the Drazin spectra of the multiplication operators $L_a$ and $R_a$ will be presented; the Banach space... more
Two representations for the Drazin inverse of a 2×2 block matrix M = [ A C B D ], where A and D are square matrices, in terms of the Drazin inverses of A and D have been recently developed under the assumptions that C(I − AA D ) = 0 and... more
Necessary and sufficient sonditions are given for the existence of the group and Drazin inverses of bidiagonal and triangular Toeplitz matrices over an arbitrary ring.
In this paper, we investigate additive results of the Drazin inverse of elements in a ring R. Under the condition ab = ba, we show that a + b is Drazin invertible if and only if aa D (a + b) is Drazin invertible, where the superscript D... more
We investigate successive matrix squaring SMS algorithms for computing the generalized inverse A 2 T,S of a given matrix A ∈ C m×n .
Given a Banach Algebra A and $a\in A$, several relations among the Drazin spectrum of $a$ and the Drazin spectra of the multiplication operators $L_a$ and $R_a$ will be stated. The Banach space operator case will be also examined.... more
In this article poles, isolated spectral points, group, Drazin and Koliha-Drazin invertible elements in the context of quotient Banach algebras or in ranges of (not necessarily continuous) homomorphism between complex unital Banach... more
We study perturbations of the Drazin inverse of a closed linear operator A for the case when the perturbed operator has the same spectral projection as A. This theory subsumes results recently obtained by Wei and Wang, Rakočević and Wei,... more
In the literature, an important class of generalized inverse matrices corresponds to the group inverse, that is, matrices of index 1. Recently, the nonnegativity of a singular system has been applied to different fields. In this paper, an... more
In this paper we introduce an interpolation method for computing the Drazin inverse of a given polynomial matrix. This method is an extension of the known method from [A. Schuster, P. Hippe, Inversion of polynomial matrices by... more
We investigate two algorithms for computing the Moore-Penrose and Drazin inverse of a given one-variable polynomial matrix by interpolation. These algorithms differ in the method used for constant matrices inverses computing. The first... more
In this paper we introduce an interpolation method for computing the Drazin inverse of a given polynomial matrix. This method is an extension of the known method from [A. Schuster, P. Hippe, Inversion of polynomial matrices by... more
over integral domains. The main results consist of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a group inverse, a new formula for a group inverse when it exists, and necessary and sufficient cpnditions for the existence of a... more
Linear time-invariant networks are modelled by linear differential-algebraic equations with constant coefficients. These equations can be represented by a matrix pencil. Many publications on this subject are restricted to regular matrix... more
Starting from algorithms introduced in [Ky M. Vu, An extension of the Faddeev's algorithms, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control on September 3-5th, 2008, San Antonio, TX] which are applicable to... more
Three representations for the W-weighted Drazin inverse of a modified matrix A À CB have been developed under some conditions where A 2 C mÂn , W 2 C nÂm , B 2 C pÂn , and C 2 C mÂp. The results of the paper not only extend the earlier... more
Let A π denote the eigenprojection of a matrix A corresponding to the eigenvalue 0. We characterize matrices B such that B π = A π , and derive from the results: (1) error bounds for the Drazin inverse of a perturbation, (2) improvement... more
We present a unified representation theorem for the class of all outer generalized inverses of a bounded linear operator. Using this representation we develop a few specific expressions and computational procedures for the set of outer... more
If A(z) is a function of a complex variable with values in the space B(X) of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space X with each A(z) g-Drazin invertible, we study the conditions under which the g-Drazin inverse A D (z) is... more
In this note we present an integral representation for the Drazin inverse A D of a complex square matrix A. This representation does not require any restriction on its eigenvalues.
In this paper we define and study an extension of the g-Drazin for elements of a Banach algebra and for bounded linear operators based on an isolated spectral set rather than on an isolated spectral point. We investigate salient... more
The paper introduces and studies the weighted g-Drazin inverse for bounded linear operators between Banach spaces, extending the concept of the weighted Drazin inverse of Rakočević and Wei (Linear Algebra Appl. 350 (2002), 25–39) and of... more
Matrix theory and its applications make wide use of the eigenprojections of square matrices. The present paper demonstrates that the eigenprojection of a matrix A can be calculated with the use of any annihilating polynomial of A u ,... more
In this paper, DFOM algorithm is presented. We compare DGMRES algorithm with DFOM algorithm by numerical experiment. Error analysis for projection method is also given.
Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix A = ¾ 0 B C 0 ¿ in terms of the Drazin inverse of the smaller order block product BC or CB are presented. Relationships between the index of A and the index of BC are... more
In this paper, a class of Hessenberg matrices is presented for adoption as test matrices. The Moore-Penrose inverse and the Drazin inverse for each member of this class are determined explicitly.
In this paper we introduce an interpolation method for computing the Drazin inverse of a given polynomial matrix. This method is an extension of the known method from [A. Schuster, P. Hippe, Inversion of polynomial matrices by... more
In this paper we investigate symbolic implementation of two modifications of the Leverrier-Faddeev algorithm, which are applicable in computation of the Moore-Penrose and the Drazin inverse of rational matrices. We introduce an algorithm... more
The singular value decomposition of a matrix is used to derive systematically the Moore-Penrose inverse for a matrix bordered by a row and a column, in addition to the Moore-Penrose inverse for the associated principal Schur complements.