Digital labor
Recent papers in Digital labor
SOMMARIO: 1. Lavoro autonomo e rivoluzione digitale: due iniziative governative. – 1.1. I ritardi del Welfare italiano: dalla Commissione D’Aragona (1947) al precariato e al lavoro autonomo di seconda e terza generazione. – 1.2.... more
This research explores social network site interaction through digital and gendered labor. Due to enhanced interaction possibilities as well as mining and analytic techniques, all digital interaction is labor, at both the social and... more
O capitalismo de plataformas constitui um modelo econômico no qual as plataformas digitais representam o elemento central. Integrado na evolução do trabalho, dos últimos 40 anos, caracterizada por um aumento da precarização, este modelo... more
本書為極少數從政治經濟學的觀點思考「享樂」的「勞動本質」 出發;並提出應從勞動者的主體意識(subjectivity)來檢視後資本主 義社會裡的新宰制關係。這本書分成四大部分:第一、二部分的討論 偏結構面,分別探索勞力市場如何隨著網路科技崛起有了結構性變遷, 並依此批判了新的勞動形式與勞力剝削;第三與第四部分探索了在此框架下勞動者所有可能的能動性。評論者認為本書從新馬克斯主義的「虛假意識」(false consciousness)立場出發,仍有過度簡化之嫌;... more
Scopo di questo articolo è verificare la materialità sociale della cosiddetta società dell’informazione e del capitalismo delle piattaforme, mostrando le contraddizioni tra capitale, lavoro e ambiente naturale. Per farlo, useremo la lente... more
The global dimension of recreational and professional uses of information and communication technologies makes them look universal and almost ahistorical. Aiming to reterritorialize globalized issues, this collection interrogates new... more
Il reddito di base tra crisi dell'istituzione salario ed emergenza del «digital labor» 303 1. Premessa: il reddito di base e la trasformazione della società capitalistica in senso post-salariale Negli ultimi anni tutta una serie di... more
Americans are making extra money renting out a spare room, designing websites, selling products they design themselves at home, or even driving their own car. This 'on demand' or so-called 'gig economy' is creating exciting opportunities... more
Digital technologies are altering the nature of education work … not always for the best.
Distribution électronique pour DICEN IdF. © DICEN IdF. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
The digital labour debate has produced manifold insights into new forms of work emerging within digital capitalism. So far, though, most research has focused on highly precarious labourers, neglecting the growing ranks of affluent 'tech... more
Marking the 25th anniversary of the “digital divide,” we continue our metaphor of the digital inequality stack by mapping out the rapidly evolving nature of digital inequality using a broad lens. We tackle complex, and often unseen,... more
The digital revolution has not only transformed multiple aspects of social life – it also shakes sociological theory, transforming the most basic assumptions that have underlain it. In this timely book, Ori Schwarz explores the main... more
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This ethnographic research-based course draws on interdisciplinary readings in communication, media studies, technology studies, sociology, marketing, and labor studies to offer a dynamic, critical view of the role of... more
This essay, which is the fourth in a six-part series, introduces a short history, theoretical scope, and key thinkers of ‘digital labor’ debate that reformulates traditional distinction between production and consumption. Since Tiziana... more
MASIHKAH relevan membahas pandangan-pandangan klasik Karl Marx mengenai nilai, kerja, kapital, dan kelas di era digital hari ini? Apa urjensinya membawa kerangka berpikir Marxian untuk memahami, misalnya, Google dan Facebook? Dan terlebih... more
In this study, the concepts of free labour and digital labour are examined separately and their relationship addressed. The place of these concepts in the context of intangible labour will also be evaluated. Different concepts that have a... more
This article explores the temporal entanglements of care and precarity in Vietnam by unpacking the condition of “hectic slowness” experienced by mothers who sell food on Facebook against the widespread fear of dietary intoxication. Unlike... more
Combining platform studies with insights from research on petty capitalism and the political economy of the Chinese Internet, this article takes an integrated approach to analyze key moments in the historical evolution of the Chinese... more
Influencers are highly visible tastemakers who professionally publish content on social media platforms. In their work, influencers are tasked with reconciling their contradictory positioning they are both promoters of consumption, and... more
di Federico Sofritti * a digitalizzazione è da tempo al centro del dibattito pubblico ed ha acquisito ulteriore rilevanza delle tecnologie digitali nelle nostre vite elle piattaforme è diventato sempre più diffuso, nonché più pervasivo.... more
we argue that there are four ways we both understand and misunderstand fake news as a research concept. This includes seeing fake news as text rather than visual content; as either “true” or “false” information rather than as facts... more
Content moderation is the organized practice of screening user-generated content (UGC) posted to Internet sites, social media and other online outlets, in order to determine the appropriateness of the content for a given site, locality,... more
This article examines how taxi drivers adapt to, manipulate and fight against the rise of ride-hailing platforms like Didi Chuxing in China (which purchased Uber China). Chinese taxi drivers entered the on-demand labour platforms before... more
This article develops the critical concept of digital utility through a case study of DiDi Chuxing and the platformization of transport services in urban China. Examining DiDi's business model, its datafication strategies, relations with... more
The article examines the role of social media groups for online freelance workers in the Philippines—digital workers obtaining “gigs” from online labor platforms such as Upwork and—for social facilitation and collective... more
What work is turning into has become a common question. The answers range from the claim that nothing is changing to fears of robots taking jobs and a utopia of fully automated luxury socialism. To compare a variety of emerging jobs, I... more
This article examines the labor power of digital miners. Though an obscure and still incipient facet of the digital economy, crypto-mining powers and secures transactions across blockchains, or public distributed digital ledgers. Drawing... more
Ekonomi gig, sebagai bentuk ekonomi yang menekankan pada upah berdasarkan jumlah barang/jasa yang diselesaikan, kini semakin banyak diperbincangkan. Di satu sisi, banyak yang menyanjung ekonomi gig sebagai ekonomi masa depan, karena telah... more
This study, titled ‘Digital labor quality and news quality in Turkish digital mainstream media,’ examines the concepts of ‘news quality’ and ‘digital labor,’ which has been a topic of discussion in digital mainstream media in Turkey in... more
Résumé : Basées aux USA mais mondialisées de par leurs activités, fortement financiarisées et porteuses de l’« idéologie californienne », ces multinationales que sont Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon et Microsoft constituent un oligopole... more
This article continues previous work that analysed the case of America Online (AOL) volunteers from critical perspectives of immaterial and free labor, and incorporates newly acquired documents and interviews by the United States... more
This course introduces political economy as a key approach to the study of communication. The first part of the course surveys the history of political economy and its early application to the study of communication, through the analysis... more
Esta dissertação tem como tema as formas mais recentes de trabalho precário, como o trabalho em plataformas digitais e o trabalho intermitente. Os objetivos desse trabalho são: contribuir com a investigação acerca do trabalho em... more
This study examines a copycat culture called Shanzhai, particularly looking into fashion imitations made and circulated by a group of women designers through digital media. It investigates the cultural transformation of labor taking place... more
The article examines the role of social media groups for online freelance workers in the Philippines—digital workers obtaining “gigs” from online labor platforms such as Upwork and—for social facilitation and collective... more
With access to data communication networks and the prevalence of informal work, workers in the global South are rapidly inching closer to confronting the impact of automated or digitally enabled non-standard employment. What are the... more