Diagramming Arguments
Recent papers in Diagramming Arguments
Malgrado la confessione finale di Gorgia (che di “gioco dialettico” si è trattato), secondo alcuni l’Encomio rivelerebbe una ‘visione tragica dell’esistenza’, vista come “qualcosa di fondamentalmente irrazionale e misterioso”; una... more
Argument mapping is a way of diagramming the logical structure of an argument to explicitly and concisely represent reasoning. (See Figure 1, for an example.) The use of argument mapping in critical thinking instruction has increased... more
Análisis desde el enfoque de la lógica informal, dentro del marco teórico de la teoría de la argumentación, de la primera parte del Parménides de Platón, como ejemplo de aplicación de tal análisis a textos clásicos de la filosofía. En... more
The goal of this article is to understand the development and transformation of an argument diagramming activity system that uses specific software in "Informal Logic" university classes (School of Philosophy and Humanities,... more
Robert Brandom holds that what we mean is best understood in terms of what inferences we are prepared to defend, and that such a defence is best understood in terms of rule-governed social interactions. This manages to explain quite a... more
This paper describes how bodily positions and gestures were used to teach argument diagramming to a student who cannot see. After listening to short argumentative passages with a screen reader, the student had to state the conclusion... more
Este trabajo aborda empíricamente el fenómeno del pluralismo cognitivo y sus manifestaciones en una formación típica de un sistema novedoso de diagramación de argumentos: las redes. Para el caso, desde una perspectiva sociocultural,... more
The typical way of diagramming "independent" premises constrains the diagramming of objections to those premises. This paper provides an alternative.
"¿Qué papel tiene la argumentación en la Ética? El tema quiere ser una guía para aprender a analizar textos argumentativos en la disciplina de la Ética. El índice de la unidad didáctica es el siguiente: 1. El lenguaje 2.... more