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this study investigated the impact of Transformational Leadership on deviant workplace behavior in Pakistani public organizations. The results were analyzed from a sample of 380 employees belonging to 20 Public organizations of the... more
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      Transformational LeadershipDeviant Workplace BehaviorPublic Organizations
Purpose – The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of psychological empowerment on the relationship between perceptions of abusive supervision and interpersonal deviance. Design/methodology/approach – Data were obtained from... more
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      LeadershipEmpowermentDevianceAbusive Supervision
Abstract: Deviant workplace behavior is not something unusual and is prevalent in organizational dynamics. It is found in all types of organizations and in all levels of positions. This deviance is costly not only in financial, but also... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSocial PsychologyIndonesiaDistributive Justice
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the concept deviant workplace behavior through review of previous studies on deviance workplace behavior area and understand the dynamics of deviant workplace behavior. The first, the researcher... more
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      Organizational BehaviorTransformational LeadershipAbusive SupervisionBig Five Personality Traits
This study seeks answer to the question surrounding the linkage between leadership and deviant work behaviours of the employees. The study focuses on two types of leadership: transformational and transactional leadership and its role in... more
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      LeadershipDeviant Workplace Behavior
Plagiarism is increasingly evident in business and academia. While links between demographic, personality, and situational factors have been found, previous research has not used actual plagiarism behavior as a criterion variable.... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Research on abusive supervision is imbalanced in two ways. First, with most research attention focused on the destructive consequences of abusive supervision, there has been relatively little work on subordinate-related predictors of... more
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalityLeadershipPerformance
The purpose of the study is to explore the effects of multilevel identification sources on negative and positive deviant workplace behavior within the theoretical framework of social exchange and social identity theories. Data were... more
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      Organizational IdentificationDeviant Workplace BehaviorDeviant Behavior in WorkplaceöRgütsel öZdeşleşme
Every year organizations around the globe lose some of their most valued employees and millions of rupees because of deviant workplace behaviours. Although, management literature is surfeit with both empirical and conceptual studies... more
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      Workplace SpiritualityDeviant Workplace Behavior
Deviant workplace behaviors (DWBs) such as sabotage, fraud, corruption, stealing, willful refusal to carry out assigned tasks, willful damage to the company's property, taking excessive breaks, sexual harassment, peddling rumors, feigning... more
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      Job InsecurityFaculty MemberPersonality TraitsDeviant Workplace Behavior
ABSTRACT Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of psychological empowerment on the relationship between perceptions of abusive supervision and interpersonal deviance. Design/Methodology/Approach Data were obtained... more
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      MarketingPsychologySocial PsychologyLeadership
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    • Deviant Workplace Behavior