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Shareef, H.J., Al-Tememi, I.H., Abdi, G., 2021. Foliar nutrition of date palm: advances and applications. A review. Folia Oecologica, 48 (1): 82-99. Foliar fertilization is one of the crucial ways for continued cultivation of date palm,... more
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      AgronomyFood ScienceNutritionBiology
Analysis of market structure and conduct of date palm was conducted in Jigawa state, Nigeria using multi stage sampling technique which led to the random selection of 121 respondents. All the traders were male, mostly married and within... more
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      Date PalmMARKET ANALYSISDate Palm Cultivation
Background: Spathe of date palm (which is called Tarooneh by Persian folk) and its aroma water is widely used in Persian traditional medicine but according to best of our knowledge lack is done on its chemical composition or... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFood and NutritionFood ChemistryEssential Oil
In the following communication, the results of collations conducted on the Old Babylonian archival documents of the Altorientalisches Institut of the Universität Leipzig in 2014 are presented. These results allow for a more precise... more
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      Old Babylonian periodArchival DocumentsDate Palm Cultivation
Foliar fertilization is one of the crucial ways for continued cultivation of date palm, obtaining the best results of growth and production, in addition to the possibility to reduce damage from abiotic stress. Although subjected date palm... more
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      AgronomyFood ScienceNutritionBiology
Foliar fertilization is one of the crucial ways for continued cultivation of date palm, obtaining the best results of growth and production, in addition to the possibility to reduce damage from abiotic stress. Although subjected date palm... more
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      AgronomyFood ScienceNutritionBiology