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      Kurdish QuestionWater and ConflictTurkey GAP projectSoutheastern Turkey
Ha Makoanyane in Lesotho was excavated in 2010 as part of the Metolong Cultural Resource Management (MCRM) Project ahead of the construction of the Metolong Dam, and represents a significant advance both in our archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyLesothoIron AgeCultural Resource Management
We are a nation where the treasures of the world lie on our soil. Logar has the most copper in the world, Bamiyan has the most iron ore in the region, and the Hajigak mine alone is estimated at 2070 million tons, of which... more
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      Economic GrowthSocial WelfareDam BuildingEconomics of Welfare
In response to growing energy needs and emerging water insecurity, countries around the world have resorted to building dams of unprecedented size. This dynamism emerged following a global consensus at the end of the 20th century that... more
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      Large DamsHydropowerWater SecurityDam Building