Critical Point Theory
Recent papers in Critical Point Theory
In this paper, we develop critical point theory for nonsmooth functional f :
This book is divided into two parts. Part I is a modern introduction to the very classical theory of submanifold geometry. We go beyond the classical theory in at least one important respect; we study submanifolds of Hilbert space as well... more
a b s t r a c t Multiple solutions are obtained for a variational inequality defined on the half line (0, ∞).
In this article, we consider a class of nonlinear Dirichlet problems driven by a Leray-Lions type operator with variable exponent. The main result establishes an existence property by means of nonvariational arguments, that is, nonlinear... more
We study the stationary Dirac equation:
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Working in a given conformal class, we prove existence of constant Q-curvature metrics on compact manifolds of arbitrary dimension under generic assumptions. The problem is equivalent to solving a nth-order nonlinear elliptic differential... more
We prove a general minimax result for multivalued mapping. As application, we give existence results of critical point of this mapping which satisfies the Cerami (C) condition.
We study periodic flexings of a floating beam via critical point theory. The beam is described by the nonlinear equation with free-end boundary conditions described in the Introduction. We give a theorem of existence of two nontrivial... more
We combine topological and geometric methods to construct a multi-resolution representation for a function over a two-dimensional domain. In a preprocessing stage, we create the Morse-Smale complex of the function and progressively... more
We establish some framework so that the generalized Conley index can be easily used to study the multiple solution problem of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems. Both the parabolic flow and the gradient flow are used. Some... more
Dedicated to Andrzej Granas, with gratitude Abstract. In the framework of critical point theory for continuous func- tionals defined on metric spaces, we give a new, simpler proof of the so- called Second Deformation Lemma, a basic tool... more
A class of extended real valued functionals, already considered for evolution problems, is studied. The set where the functional is finite is proved to be an absolute neighborhood extensor. Applications to critical point theory, involving... more
In this paper we study nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems with monotone and nonmonotone multivalued nonlinearities. First we consider the case of monotone nonlinearities. In the first result we assume that the multivalued... more
In 1963, Palais and Smale have introduced a compactness condition, namely Condition (C), on real functions of class C 1 defined on a Riemannian manifold modelled upon a Hilbert space, in order to extend Morse theory to this frame and... more
We study the existence of multiple positive solutions for a superlinear elliptic PDE with a sign-changing weight. Our approach is variational and relies on classical critical point theory on smooth manifolds. A special care is paid to the... more
We prove a critical-point result which provides conditions for the existence of infinitely many critical points of a strongly indefinite functional with perturbed symmetries. Then we apply this result to obtain infinitely many solutions... more
To gain a better insight into the effects of eddy structure and their thermal imprint on the impinging surface, we applied several methods to identify coherent structures in two arrangements of multiple jets. High-resolution particle... more
We combine topological and geometric methods to construct a multi-resolution data structure for functions over two-dimensional domains. Starting with the Morse-Smale complex, we construct a topological hierarchy by progressively canceling... more
We prove existence results for complex-valued solutions for a semilinear Schrödinger equation with critical growth under the perturbation of an external electromagnetic field. Solutions are found via an abstract perturbation result in... more
the particle velocity data is generated from a numerical simulation; therefore, the velocity data is only available at Several techniques for the numerical integration of particle paths in steady and unsteady vector (velocity) fields are... more
Communicated by R. P. Gilbert SUMMARY The aim of this paper is to establish the in uence of a non-symmetric perturbation for a symmetric hemivariational eigenvalue inequality with constraints. The original problem was studied by Goeleven... more
SEVERAL years ago the author, and independently Smale, generalized the Morse theory of critical points to cover certain functions on hilbert manifolds [5,6 and 91. Shortly thereafter J. Schwartz showed how the same techniques allowed one... more
An application of ¢ ¤ £ scalar interpolation for 2D vector field topology visualization is presented. Powell-Sabin and Nielson interpolants are considered which both make use of Nielson's Minimum Norm Network for the precomputation of the... more
We establish the existence of nontrivial solutions to sys- tems of singular Poisson equations in unbounded domains, under some invariance conditions and singular subcritical growth. The proofs rely on a concentration-compactness argument... more
In this paper we prove the existence of infinitely many nontrivial solutions of the system ∆u = u, ∆v = v, with nonlinear coupling at the smooth boundary of a bounded domain of R N. The proof, under suitable assumptions on the... more
In this paper we survey some recent results on the existence and multiplicity of radial solutions for Neumann problems in a ball and in an annular domain, associated to pendulum-like perturbations of mean curvature operators in Euclidean... more
a b s t r a c t Multiple solutions are obtained for a variational inequality defined on the half line (0, ∞).
We combine topological and geometric methods to construct a multi-resolution representation for a function over a two-dimensional domain. In a preprocessing stage, we create the Morse-Smale complex of the function and progressively... more
In this paper we study the existence of critical points of nondifferentiable functionals J of the kind
We define a Grushin-type operator with a variable exponent and establish existence results for an equation involving such an operator in a suitable function space. The tools used in proving our existence result rely on the critical point... more
An application of ¢ ¤ £ scalar interpolation for 2D vector field topology visualization is presented. Powell-Sabin and Nielson interpolants are considered which both make use of Nielson's Minimum Norm Network for the precomputation of the... more