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This article seeks to explain both the continuity and the changes in US grand strategy since the end of the Cold War by adopting a critical political economy approach that focuses on the social origins of grand strategy-making.... more
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      Political SociologyAmerican StudiesInternational RelationsSocial Networks
This paper analyzes, compares, and explains the corporate elite networks formed by interlocking directorates across five Latin American economies in order to comprehend why corporate elites are interconnected by cohesive networks in some... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)ElitesInterlocking DirectoratesBusiness Elites
En los últimos cien años, la sociedad y la economía española han experimentado notables transformaciones, como la consolidación de un Estado democrático de derecho y el ingreso en el reducido club de los países desarrollados. Estas... more
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      ElitesCapital socialHistoria EconómicaCorporate elites
is article conceptualizes regionalism in historical perspective as repeated schemes of translocal inter-groups' allegiances and studies dynamic transformation of political elites in present Kyrgyzstan in broader social context and... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical ElitesRussiaKyrgyzstan
Drawing on forty-nine oral history interviews with Scottish family business owner-managers, six key informant interviews, and secondary sources, this interdisciplinary study analyses the decline of kinship-based connections and emergence... more
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      Family BusinessContextSocial ClassCorporate elites
"Los estudios de directorios cruzados permiten conocer las características de la estructura corporativa de una economía; la configuración de la red de las relaciones que las grandes empresas españolas mantienen entre sí mediante... more
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      Business NetworksInterlocking DirectoratesAnalisis De Redes SocialesCorporate elites
In the wake of the March 11, 2011 9.0 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, which tore through the Fukushima Daiichi power plants, the future of nuclear energy in Japan was thrown into serious question. Following the horrendous disaster and... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
Drawing on 49 oral-history interviews with Scottish family business owner-managers, six key-informant interviews, and secondary sources, this interdisciplinary study analyses the decline of kinship-based connections and the emergence of... more
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      SociologyPsychologyFamily BusinessContext