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Science process skills are important in improving students' cognitive development and solving scientific and real-world problems in the teaching and learning process. This study determined the utilization of teaching approaches in the... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningIntegrative LearningScience Process Skillsinstructional activities
Several educationists of eminence have put forth their strong views on Digital Alternatives. Let us examine closely some of them for our limited purpose of exploring a viable solution to the question, "What Next?" in Pedagogical process... more
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      Applied LinguisticsDigital Media & LearningConstructive Pedagogy
Higher education is a very powerful sector for the growth and development of any nation. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the social, scientific, moral, and economic growth of any nation. It is the higher education that provides an... more
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      Higher EducationUniversity EducationConstructive Pedagogy
On 29 July 2017, an international colloquium entitled ‘Re-Imagining Curricula for a Just University in a Vibrant Democracy – Carrying the Conversation Forward’ was held at the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South... more
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Ich sehe, wie überall in der weltweiten Christenheit eine umfassende Theologie des Lebens entsteht: Papst Franziskus hat der katholische Theologie den Weg gewiesen mit den Enzykliken 'Gaudium Evangelii' und 'Laudatio si'. In der... more
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