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      AlgorithmsComputational semioticsSémiotiqueBig Data
Programming languages represent a class of semiotic systems that has mostly escaped semiotic literature, as they have been typically regarded as mechanical and, thus, far from the complexity of man–made systems. The contribution aims at... more
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      SemioticsProgramming LanguagesComputational semiotics
Given the affective psychological and cognitive dynamics prevalent during human-robot-interlocution, the vulnerability to cultural-political influences of the design aesthetics of a social humanoid robot has far-reaching ramifications.... more
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      EthicsHumanoid RoboticsPhenomenologyRace and Ethnicity
An experiment in  Markovian generation of song texts, starting from Aesopus.
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      Computational semioticsDigital creativityComputational Theory of LiteratureComputational Poetry
Mentalization describes the process through which we understand the mental states of oneself and others. In this paper, I present a computational semiotic model of mentalization and illustrate it through a worked-out example. The model... more
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      SemioticsPeircean SemioticsComputational semioticsComputational Psychology
Opposition theory suggests that binary oppositions (e.g., high vs. low) underlie basic cognitive and linguistic processes. However, opposition theory has never been implemented in a computational cognitive-semiotics model. In this paper,... more
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      SemioticsComputational semiotics