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      Indigenous MediaMedia ActivismSocial ActivismTransnational Social Movements
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      Indigenous MediaPueblo mapucheMedios de comunicación y poderCommunity and Activist Media
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      Feminist historyFeminist Media StudiesFeminist Research MethodsActivist History
This article outlines the early history of the Australian community radio sector. It focuses on three of the country’s oldest stations – Radio Adelaide, 4ZZZ and 3CR – to document the establishment and growth of the sector over the past... more
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      RadioRadio JournalismCommunity RadioCommunity and Citizens Media
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Social JusticeCommunity MediaCommunity Filmmaking
While much literature on place-making focuses on ways in which a media presence or ‘visibility’ of place can facilitate place-based activism, political power, and socio-economic benefits, this chapter positions media invisibility of place... more
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      Media StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesDevelopment communicationVillage Studies
In Citizen Media and Practice: Currents, Connections, Challenges, editors Hilde C. Stephansen and Emiliano Treré (2020) bring together contributors to explore ways to further our thinking about media practices with a specific focus on... more
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      Digital MediaCitizen mediaMedia PracticeCommunity and Activist Media
This chapter responds to these calls by aiming to further develop the concept of the tem- porary or pop-up news ecology, a term that seeks to take into account the rapid changes and liquidity in journalism . . . as well as the move to... more
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      Social MediaNews AnalysisCommunity and Activist Media
This book explores the complex, dynamic, and contested webs of relationships in which three different groups of video makers found themselves when distributing their work on the Internet. It draws upon both the Deleuzian notion of... more
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      Actor Network TheoryCommunity MediaFan CulturesAssemblage Theory - Manuel De Landa
... Atton, Ed Baxter, Bliz, Daniel Clark, Michael Dean, Steve Dunifer, Friba, Martin James, Michael Lahey, Lynne Lowe, Justin Marler, Nic Millington, Paul O'Connor, Barbara O'Leary, Jerod Poore,... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesNew MediaEconomic Theory
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      Media StudiesNew MediaAlternative MediaCommunity and Activist Media
From the introduction to the book edited by Kevin Howley: A popular response to the narrow range of voices and perspectives available in an increasingly commercialized communicative space, citizen journalism ini- tiatives have grown... more
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      JournalismCommunity RadioCommunity and Activist Media