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As most of the endangered languages only exist in spoken form, it is crucial for linguists to transcribe to preserve records of linguistic events and support language learning. The urgency of language endangerment has also prompted... more
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      Indigenous LanguagesAustralian Indigenous languagesLanguage DocumentationEndangered Languages
De acuerdo a las ciencias cognitivas la narración nos ayuda a conocer, recordar, apren-der o organizar nuestra percepción y pensamientos. Estas funciones han sido desplegadas a lo largo de la historia y son aplicadas actualmente por la... more
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      Cognitive NarratologyNarratologyTransmedial StorytellingCollaborative Methods
Collaborative methodologies are at the forefront of an academic movement seeking to recognize the way social research emerges out of interaction with social actors involved in the processes studied. However, the question of how this... more
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    • Collaborative Methods
In this chapter, I reflect on how the many positions I occupy shaped the fieldwork I conducted for my PhD project and its failures. I am a half-German, white, cis settler who was born and raised in Brazil and was working with urban... more
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      North-South relationsBrazilIndigenous PeoplesQuilombos