Closed Loop Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain
Recent papers in Closed Loop Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain
More attention has been given on consumer's behavioral attitude towards remanufactured products in closed-loop supply chain literature. Till date, no research has been carried out on consumers' intention towards returning the used... more
Our report aims to explore recent advances in EPR and to provide recommendations for the stakeholders involved in this market. After a brief introduction on the history of EPR in Europe, we discuss pending issues in the current practice... more
Koncepcja zarządzania zamkniętą pętlą łańcucha dostaw jest bardzo popularnym kierunkiem badań oraz działań przedsiębiorstw. Wiąże się ze skupieniem wysiłków na zagospodarowaniu pozostałości produkcyjnych (produktów ubocznych i... more
abstract: The concept of closed-loop supply chain management is a very popular direction of research and companies' activities. It is associated with efforts like managing production residues (by-products and waste) in such a way as to... more
Green supply chain management in consequence of global warming, in particular, closed-loop logistics, has drawn the attention researchers. Moreover, accounting of uncertainty in supply chain network design will lead to more realistic... more
Mathematical model of a multi-product multi-period multi-echelon closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty is designed in this paper. The designed network consists of raw material suppliers, plants, warehouses,... more