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Pragmatic disorders display no preference for the individuals they afflict. People of different ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, and ages can develop pragmatic disorders. Men and women appear to be equally predisposed to pragmatic... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
Resumen: En esta revisión bibliográfica completa, se analizan instrumentos de evaluación pragmática comunicativa utilizados durante la práctica clínica con población hispanohablante, con el objeto de caracterizarlos, establecer y comparar... more
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      PragmaticsLanguage AssessmentPragmatics and Language AssessmentPragmalinguistics
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      Clinical PragmaticsLogopediaDemenciaLingüística Clínica
The study of the cognitive substrates of pragmatic disorders is a relatively recent development in clinical pragmatics. This development has been ushered in by calls from researchers and clinicians on two fronts. First, it has been urged... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
In this complete bibliographic review, communicative pragmatic assessment tools used during clinical practice with Spanish speaking population were analyzed. It was carried out in order to characterize them, establish and compare the... more
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      PragmaticsLanguage AssessmentPragmatics and Language AssessmentPragmalinguistics
The interpretation of any utterance involves a complex interplay of cognitive processes. These processes resolve into two types. Firstly, a hearer must use a range of general cognitive skills such as attention and memory in order to... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
El presente trabajo surge en el marco de un proyecto de investigación dirigido por Beatriz Gallardo entre 2013 y 2016, del que hemos formado parte los cinco autores. Presentamos el Protocolo y ofrecemos una guía de aplicación que explica... more
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      Language AssessmentClinical Pragmatics
Asthma is a disease characterized by wide variations in pathogenesis that cause resistance to flow in intrapulmonary airways. The dramatic changes in the architecture of the airway walls are usually connected to allergic reaction or... more
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      Clinical PsychologyClinical TrialsClinical TrialClinical Neuroscience
Keywords: Discourse cohesion and coherence; implicature; non-literal language; pragmatic assessment and treatment; speech act demonstrate the efficacy of the interventions they offer clients. Speech-language pathology services have not... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una caracterización y sistematización del lenguaje de los pacientes con Trastorno de espectro autista (TEA) y la relación que existe entre los diferentes rasgos que los caracterizan. De manera... more
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      PragmaticsApplied LinguisticsNeurolinguisticsLinguistics
The role of context in meaning explication in any interaction cannot be overemphasized because through it, the true pragmatic meanings of form and intentional use of language are generated. Thus, existing studies have focused their... more
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      PragmaticsExperimental PragmaticsCross-cultural pragmaticsClinical Pragmatics
Speech-language pathologists routinely use picture description tasks to assess expository discourse in clients with disorders such as aphasia and dementia. One picture description task-the Cookie Theft picture from the Boston Diagnostic... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersClinical Pragmatics
Communication between people performs several vital functions. There is, of course, a fundamental need on the part of each of us to receive information from, and convey information to, other people. We must also communicate with each... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
The aim of this volume is to investigate how the aesthetics of the medium understood as the specific features of various types of texts (literary/cultural/scientific texts, TV series, political speeches) influence the pragmatic analysis... more
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      AestheticsTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics Applied conversation analytic research seeks to understand the ways in which conversational practices are modified in order to fulfill institutional aims. Psychotherapy is one such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder wherein difficulties with pragmatic aspects of language are common across its various presentations. In this paper, we critically examine several papers addressing the pragmatic skills of... more
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      PragmaticsAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAsperger Syndrome Language
For approximately forty years, investigators have attempted to characterize impairments of pragmatics in children and adults. During this time, certain trends have been evident in how investigators have pursued this work. One of the most... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
Keywords: delinquency; educational attainment; mental health; psychosocial impact; social exclusion 3.1 Introduction Pragmatic disorders can have serious, adverse consequences for the children and adults who experience them. Pragmatic... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
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      Discourse MarkersInterjectionsPauses in SpeechClinical Pragmatics
This article reviews the scholarly contributions of Michael R. Perkins in the discipline of clinical linguistics and provides some indication of the reasons that he has been so successful. Three primary attributes were described through... more
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      Clinical LinguisticsEmergenceClinical Pragmatics
Keywords: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; emotional and behavioural disorders; frontotemporal dementia; non-Alzheimer's dementias; prison population 6.1 Introduction Not all pragmatic disorders have received the level of... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
Introduction: Gestures provide a nonverbal channel for communication that is integral and entwined with every aspect of human interaction. The present study aims to highlight the contribution of gestures, discourse markers (DMs), and... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
"The clinical bacteria of multi-drug resistant to some antibiotics are considered a common problem in the world wide. Alternative antibacterial strategies are urgently needed, and thus this situation has led to a re-evaluation of the... more
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      Clinical PsychologyClinical TrialsClinical TrialClinical Neuroscience
In forty years, pragmatics has moved from a position of relative obscurity in the study of language disorder to become an area of central interest to clinicians and researchers in speech-language pathology. Several factors have... more
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      Clinical PragmaticsSpeech-language Pathology
This study explores the performance of adults with Asperger Syndrome (SA) in three linguistic tasks that involve a pragmatic component: the comprehension of indirect speech acts, metaphors, and clauses with exocentric aspectual coercion.... more
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      Asperger Syndrome LanguageMetaphorClinical PragmaticsIndirect Speech Acts
For nearly forty years, researchers and clinicians have acknowledged that communication may be disrupted by impairments of the pragmatics of language. These impairments have been more or less successfully characterized across a wide range... more
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    • Clinical Pragmatics
The study investigates the pragmatics of irony processing and contextual effects in schizophrenia from a neurolinguistic perspective. Relying on neuroimaging (fMRI) techniques the research reveals the brain networks involved in social... more
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      PragmaticsSchizophreniaNeurolinguisticsCognitive Neuroscience
Pragmatic competence, as one of the main components of communicative competence, ought to be given sufficient attention by the foreign language instructors and students. Recently, a surge of interest in interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) has... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes
Pragmatic and sociopragmatic processing consist of complex cognitive processes which are required for the comprehension of figurative language in social interactions between individuals. Populations with brain damage, however, show many... more
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      PragmaticsPsycholinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsNeurolinguistics
The present study aimed to investigate the association between narrative comprehension and vocabulary as well as comprehension and production of grammar in children with ADHD. These language abilities may affect academic performance,... more
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      PragmaticsAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderADHD (Psychology)ADHD
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      LanguagesCognitive SciencePragmaticsSchizophrenia
The present study tries to test the effectiveness of cultural familiarity and cultural schemata in enhancing comprehension of culturally loaded texts especially short stories. In doing so, 129 Iranian EFL learners between 9 to 11 years of... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPragmaticsSociolinguistics
The Schizophrenic Discourse. Verbigeration, Fraintendements, Communication Failures Recently, several studies of neurolinguistics, neuropragmatics and/or clinical prag-matics on schizophrenic discourse have tried to focus attention on the... more
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      LanguagesPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
Call for Papers [Volume: 06, Issue: 03] International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies is an indexed, peer-reviewed, open-access, research quarterly which aims to generate and disseminate new, high quality knowledge... more
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      American LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisLanguagesProgramming Languages
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      PragmaticsSemantics/PragmaticsSemantics/Pragmatics interfacePragmatics, Philosophy of Language and communication
Typically developing adults are able to keep track of story characters' emotional states online while reading. Filik et al. showed that initially, participants expected the victim to be more hurt by ironic comments than literal, but later... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotion
Pragmatic impairment (also known as social (pragmatic) communication disorder) can be defined as any breakdown in the use of language across a range of communicative contexts. Deficits in the pragmatics of language pose a significant... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersClinical Pragmatics
Las interacciones comunicativas se estructuran a partir de un Principio de cooperación al que se adhieren todos los participantes de las mismas. Sin embargo, las alteraciones lingüísticas que sufren las personas con demencia tipo... more
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      Clinical PragmaticsLingüística ClínicaImplicaturas ConversacionalesDemencia tipo Alzheimer
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      Organizational BehaviorEthologyCognitive ScienceOntology
The usage of the demonstrative pronoun šìtas, šità in some Eastern Aukštaitian subdialects Anotacija. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojami egzoforiškai vartojamo rodomojo įvardžio šìtas, šità vartosenos atvejai rytų aukštaičių pašnektėse,... more
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      DialectologySemanticsSpatial deixisClinical Pragmatics
More information about this series at U n c o r r e c t e d P r o o f
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      LanguagesCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychiatry
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      PragmaticsWilliams Syndrome LanguageClinical Pragmatics
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan struktur argumen berdasarkan tipe kompleksitas dan penarikan simpulan dalam wacana karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kualitatif dengan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSociolinguisticsLanguage Teaching
PREP- R is an instrument devised to assess the pragmatic efficacy of speakers with linguistic impairment during spontaneous conversation with the purpose of identifying, in a time efficient manner, whether the nature of their impairment... more
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      PragmaticsSpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersClinical LinguisticsPragmatics and Language Assessment