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The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
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      BuddhismHinduismNative American ReligionsSumerian Religion
conference papers : Cosquer Cave, Marseilles
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      Mediterranean prehistoryPalaeolithic ArchaeologySea LevelUpper Paleolithic
The colonization of interior North America during the late Pleistocene, ca. 20k-10k cal yr BP, would have been profoundly shaped by physiographic features early explorers and settlers encountered, such as the location of major river... more
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      Climate Change and Sea Level RisePaleoindian archaeologyQuaternary Sea Levels
The draft paper as at 24th April which is updated from the draft made for the oral presentation session (5th April 2017 does not contain any references and text errors needed corrections). The paper is still being worked on with more... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringRussian StudiesGlaciologyInternational Relations
The colonization of interior North America during the late Pleistocene, ca. 20k-10k cal yr BP, would have been profoundly shaped by physiographic features early explorers and settlers encountered, such as the location of major river... more
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      Archaeological GISPrehistoric LandscapesSea level riseClimate Change and Sea Level Rise
Ubaid pottery was famously recorded by H. R. Hall during the excavation of a tell mound at Al cUbaid, and for nearly half a century became associated with the origins of urbanisation and developments in social hierarchy in southern... more
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      ArchaeologyGeomorphologyRemote SensingLandscape Archaeology
Climate changes-related sea level rise (SLR) has exerted significant impacts on coastal zones and Nile Delta is considered one of the most affected areas. Coastal inundation, destruction of infrastructure, land cover and displacement of... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityClimate Change ImpactsCoastal Vulnerability AssessmentClimate Change and Sea Level Rise
The colonization of interior North America during the late Pleistocene, ca. 20k–10k cal yr BP, would have been profoundly shaped by physiographic features early explorers and settlers encountered, such as the location of major river... more
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      Archaeological GISPrehistoric LandscapesSea level riseClimate Change and Sea Level Rise
Sea Research Society's poster "Looking At The Forward Running Clocks' - Carbon Cycles and Time From Pleistocene to Present" was presented at a major international conference organised by Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI):... more
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      Climate ChangeSiberiaArctic ArchaeologyARTIC SEA ICE MELTING
Tiffany Ng's carillon performance of "polartide" by Greg Niemeyer, Chris Chafe, and Perrin Meyer at the festival "Triple CCRMAlite: 40, 50, 80." The audience determined the tempo at which Ng played via
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      Climate ChangeBellsNetworked Music PerformanceAudience Research
Recent sea-level rise has mostly been attributed to global warming and this process is expected to continue for centuries. The extent of the impact of sea level rise on tourism in Ghana is unknown though there are predictions that some... more
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      Coastal ProcessesThe Different Impacts of Tourism on the Coastal and Marine EnvironmentClimate Change and Sea Level RiseSea Level Changes
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      Marine BiologyGeomorphologyEcosystems EcologyAquatic Ecology
Στην παρούσα σύντομη παρουσίαση συνοψίζονται αποτελέσματα διερευνήσεων με υπολογιστικές προσομοιώσεις αναφορικά με την επίδραση της Κλιματικής Αλλαγής στην εξέλιξη της θαλάσσιας στάθμης λόγω των μετεωρολογικών παλιρροιών και επομένως και... more
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      Climate ChangeSea LevelClimate Change and coastal zonesAdaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone
My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringCanadian StudiesGlaciologyCoastal Management
This paper focuses on possible scenarios of land use and land tenure in the event of a permanent sea level rise on Wallis Island, part of the French Overseas Territory Wallis and Futuna in the South Pacific. This island holds a unique... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesClimate change policyLand tenureInternational Migration
Coastal zones are densely populated than the hinterland and exhibit higher rates of population growth and urbanization. As this trend is expected to continue into the future in the case of Oman as well since more population is living the... more
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      Coastal Zone ManagementClimate Change and Sea Level RiseLand-Use and Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater SystemsClimate and Population
Geomorphological and biological archives of relative sea-level change in the western North Atlantic-Caribbean region following the Last Glacial Maximum have traditionally supported the hypothesis of a punctuated rise towards the present... more
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyClimate ChangeQuaternary Geology
This paper investigates changes in subsistence strategies at the upland cave site of Nugljanska (Croatia) at the end of the last ice age, during a time of rapid sea level rise and changing environment. We analysed the faunal assemblage... more
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      ArchaeologyClimate ChangeZooarchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
Sea level rise is a complex process. Its scale and rate are affected by climatic, geophysical and anthropogenic factors. Climatic factors include changes in ocean temperatures, changes in glaciers and ice sheet volumes, and shifts in... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationClimate Change and Sea Level RiseUrban Development in Coastal Cities
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyRemote SensingPaleoclimatology
This paper investigates changes in subsistence strategies at the upland cave site of Nugljanska (Croatia) at the end of the last ice age, during a time of rapid sea level rise and changing environment. We analysed the faunal assemblage... more
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      ArchaeologyClimate ChangeZooarchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
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      Landscape ArchitectureClimate Change AdaptationCoastal GeomorphologyCoastal and Marine Spatial Planning
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyRemote SensingPaleoclimatology
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      Marine BiologyEarth SciencesGeomorphologyEcosystems Ecology
Between 1989 and 2003 colonies of Little Terns ( Sterna albifrons ) occurring in the lagoon of Venice (55,000 ha; Italy) have been surveyed. Each year the number of breeding pairs ranged between 31 (in 1997) and 611 (in 1995), with a... more
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      Marine and saltmarshes ecologySeabirdsClimate Change and Sea Level Rise