Chronophotography and series photography, c. 1860 - 1906
Recent papers in Chronophotography and series photography, c. 1860 - 1906
In ihren bisherigen Ausrichtungen hat die Fotohistoriografie dem Begriff "Serie" nicht den Stellenwert eingeräumt, der ihm gebührt. Zu oft hat man in der Fotogeschichte herausgehobene und entkontextualisierte Meisterwerke untersucht,... more
One of the oldest, and surely the most obsessive, topics in the history of photography is the relationship between art and photography. In the past, efforts were made to prove that artists had used photographic models, the aim at the time... more
"A chronophotograph contains information about interval, duration, speed and other derivatives of space and time. This information can and has been used to answer questions about motion and mechanical efficiency. Chronophotography is... more
A critical microhistory of the final plate of Muybridge's Animal Locomotion. Published in: At The Border of (Film) History: Temporality, Archaeology, Theories (Proceedings of the XXI Udine International Film Studies Conference, 2014)... more
This volume explores a form of contemporary art that uses sequences of images to explore ideas of space, time, movement, and duration. “Chronophotographers” first explored these ideas at the end of the nineteenth century. At the beginning... more