Christian Metz
Recent papers in Christian Metz
*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship,... more
In the early cinema era, there were a lot of authors who inquired into the nature of this new medium, taking into account both its artistic value and its specificity. Among the various approaches, the theories of Bela Balázs stands out,... more
《電影符號學:從古典到數位時代(新版)》是電影理論工作者齊隆壬長期研究的成果,詳細耙梳並剖析符號學的發展源流與變革,以及著名學者的理論,如索緒爾、李維史陀、羅蘭巴特、皮爾斯等。接著帶出電影理論的關鍵人物──克利斯蒂安.梅茲,闡釋他如何把符號學,以及相關領域如語言學、結構主義、精神分析運用至電影分析,奠定電影符號學在電影理論界的重要地位。也因電影符號學涵蓋的範圍甚廣,而讓電影分析有了更多可能性。除了回顧西方符號學與電影符號學的理論與沿革,作者也把討論拉回台灣與中國大陸,介紹電影... more
Attraverso l'indagine del meccanismo testuale e della ricostruzione del contesto di produzione, il saggio propone uno studio su Empirismo eretico e sullo stretto rapporto tra teoria semiotica, critica letteraria e impegno politico che ha... more
Tres grandes ciencias se han dedicado al estudio sistemático del cine: Sociología, Psicología y Semiótica. He decidido centrarme en esta última porque se encuentra en la base de la problemática cine de poesía vs. cine de prosa que nos... more
Qual è la natura del segno cinematografico? Che relazione c’è, secondo la semiotica, tra immaginemovimento e realtà? L’articolo sintetizza le differenti posizioni di Gilles Deleuze, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Christian Metz e Umberto Eco,... more
Via Giuseppe e Bartolomeo Mozzi, 23 -62100 Macerata Stampa a cura di pde Promozione srl presso lo stabilimento LegoDigit srl -Lavis (tn) isbn 978-88-229-0185-9
La nozione di "blocco simbolico" di Raymond Bellour, da lui utilizzata solamente con riferimento al cinema classico, in particolare quello di Alfred Hitchcock, viene ripresa e utilizzata nell'analizzare Apocalypse Now, provando così la... more
A Metzian analysis of Watt and Wright's Night Mail (1936).
This course aims to introduce you to film theory through a variety of foundational texts, important essays, and screenings of both familiar contemporary works and works of historical and theoretical significance. The material presented in... more
Social constructionism is the idea that all knowledge, including science and history, is deeply imbued with the biases and preconceptions of the person who holds the knowledge and the society in which that person lives, so that knowledge... more
Ritwik Kumar Ghatak, the maverick Bengali filmmaker remains one of the most celebrated cinematic auteurs of Indian cinema. Dismantling the conventional constructs of commercial cinema, Ghatak along with Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen laid... more
The present paper is intended to explore the various ways in which cinema 'communicates' meaning, making use of the five materials of film, namely three of an auditory nature and two of a visual nature: dialogue, soundtrack (music) and... more
Министерство образования и науки Украины Полтавский национальный технический университет имени Юрия Кондратюка Министерство образования и науки Украины Днепровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара Квалификационная научная... more
Technē/Technology is the up-to-date critical volume on the theories, philosophies, and debates on technology and their productivity for the fields of film and media studies. Comprehensive as well as innovative, it is not organised around... more
The fact that must be understood is that fi lms are understood.
Article publié dans : Louis-Albert Serrut (dir.), Le cinéma de Jean-Luc Godard et la philosophie, Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. « Champs visuels », 2019, p. 23-87.
KOKEŠ, Radomír D. Strukturalismus a film. In: Ondřej Sládek a kol. Slovník literárněvědného strukturalismu. Brno: Host, 2018, s. 661-668.
Amalar of Metz’s On the Liturgy (the Liber officialis, or De ecclesiastico officio) was one of the most widely read and circulated texts of the Carolingian era. The fruit of lifelong reflection and study in the wake of liturgical reform... more
From 1968 to 1991 the acclaimed film theorist Christian Metz wrote several remarkable books on film theory: Essais sur la signifi cation au cinéma, tome1 et 2; Langage et cinéma; Le signifiant imaginaire; and L’Enonciation impersonnelle.... more
*Junior Yr Undergrad *Annotated Bibliography* The most compelling concept that was developed throughout my research related to the work of Metz and Balazs regarding the inherent self-conscious character of film and its ability to raise a... more
This chapter discusses how Christian Metz was inspired by the French filmology movement. Filmology, having been founded in the years after WWII, endeavoured to study cinema in its psychological, sociological, and philosophical complexity.... more
This chapter casts a critical eye on various classifications of reflexivity that have been proposed by film and media scholars over a number of decades. These center on the reflexive content of films, their self-referential communicative... more
Tentando un approccio scientifico al raggruppamento di inquadrature, Christian Metz elabora il soprastante schema.
Table of Contents – Acknowledgments – Editorial Note
Bu çalışma, İtalyan sinemasının en nitelikli yönetmenlerinden biri olan Federico Fellini’nin 1963 tarihli 8½ filmini konu edinir. 8½, başarılı bir yönetmenin yeni bir film çekme sürecindeki duygusal kaybolmuşluğunu, hayallerini,... more
Critics of semiology, and of Christian Metz's work in particular, often alleged that he was not a cinephile, that he had no interest in films (since he hardly ever analyzed a film), and that semiologists like Metz were putting aside... more
This essay will discuss three important thinkers and creative artists that have made a significant contribution to my research topic in the field of filmdance, film theory and subjective camera technique. The three key people are... more
Christian Metz is remembered today as having almost single-handedly transformed the culture of film studies. This widely held view was summarized by one commentator, who wrote that "with Metz a new research paradigm is born, as well as a... more
*course design + syllabus* In brief summary, the preparation of a proposed syllabus for examining the textuality of the xenomorph reveals an expansive discourse on the Alien franchise and its key figure. The Alien franchise is... more
This paper offers a new take on an old story: the tale of first-time moviegoers, who, upon seeing a moving-image train barreling from background to foreground, ran screaming out of the theater for fear of being run over. The old debate... more
Entry of Edward Branigan, Warren Buckland (eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film Theory, London – New York, Routledge, 2014, pp. 157-161, ISBN 9780415781800
Christian Metz writes that cinephilia represents, in part, the impulse to preserve and protect the good object, to save it from obliteration -not the fi lm itself, the celluloid, nor the institution, but rather the social memory embodied... more
(Based on a presentation given at the "Film Music and Narrative" study day, School of Arts, Culture and the Environment, University of Edinburgh, June 28th, 2011) Adopting an aesthetic perspective, as distinct from a strictly narrato-... more
This research will look at four of Sharits films, Ray Gun Virus (1966), Piece Mandala/End War (1966), T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G (1968) and N:O:T:H:I:N:G (1968). A phenomenological and semiotic theoretical framework will be applied in order to... more
Esthétique, phénoménologie, textes plurilingues Collection dirigée par Mauro Carbone L'oeil n'est pas seulement l'oeil. Voir, c'est davantage que voir. Voir c'est aussi sentir, voir c'est déjà penser. En ceci l'art donne à penser. En ceci... more
The paper focuses on the widespread resurgence of the animated GIF in the contemporary me-diascape. This outdated digital format's current significance seems to lie in its ability to resolve the age-old dualism between still and moving... more
Do we tend to 'project' too much on to film studies? Discuss with specific reference to psychoanalytically-inspired film theory. Using the Star Trek cinematic franchise to show how psychoanalytical theory can add meaning to film and how... more
In his last book, L'énonciation impersonnelle, Christian Metz tackles the question of enunciation in cinema in order to show that fijilmic enunciation is not anthropomorphic but textual, impersonal, and metadiscursive. According to Metz,... more
The paper investigates the ways through which semiosis in general and cinematic semiosis in particular reach toward the “exo-semiotic” realm. It attempts a meta-semiotic and epistemological approach, based on Ferdinand de Saussure’s... more
Il saggio proposto si pone l’obiettivo di offrire una panoramica su come il dispositivo cinematografico si rapporti all’alterità non-umana. Nello specifico, verranno seguite due direttrici teoriche: la prima ruota attorno al concetto di... more