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The monograph introduces the concept of work, which is inherent in human being as is play. This concept of work can be understood simultaneously as a powerful means of socialisation and as a disciplining instrument. The author... more
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      Anthropology of Children and ChildhoodParticipatory PhotographySocialisationChildhood Socialisation
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      SociologyGender StudiesChildren's LiteratureGenre
Refiguring Childhood stages a series of encounters with biosocial power, which demarcates a specific zone of intensity within the more encompassing arena of biopower and biopolitics. Attentive to the contingency of childhoods – the ways... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodPower (social)History of Childhood and YouthBiopolitics
La parution de ce rapport à l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année s'inscrit dans une démarche pragmatique : la délégation aux droits des femmes souhaite attirer l'attention tant des professionnels de l'industrie du jouet (fabricants et... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesGenreGender
The aim of this field study was to investigate the hidden curriculum of school rules delimited to the moral construction of ‘the good pupil’ embedded in the system of school rules in two primary schools. According to the findings, the... more
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      SociologyEducationSocial AnthropologySociology of Education
Biographie ordinaire et intellectuelle de Hassan Rachik, socialisation, famille, quartier populaire, idéologie de gauche, conversion à la sociologie et à l'anthropologie
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      AnthropologyBiographyUrban SociologyChildhood Socialisation
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
Cet article s’intéresse aux sociabilités entre pairs d’élèves d’école élémentaire (6-11 ans) scolarisés dans des établissements composés de populations culturellement et linguistiquement hétérogènes. Il s’appuie sur les résultats de... more
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      MigrationChildhood SocialisationMigrantsEnfance
Widespread atheism in the general population is one of the defining characteristics of twentieth-century British society, yet until very recently, it has largely been unregarded by historians. This study attempts to contribute to the... more
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      Oral historyAutobiographySecularizationHistory of Atheism
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      PsychologyOnline CommunitiesVideo GamesFamily
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
In this study with fourth grade elementary school students (N=110) from a school in Croatia the relationship between parenting style and the social status of the children in the formal setting of the classroom, and their interest and... more
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      Elementary EducationPrimary EducationParenting StylesChildhood Socialisation
Les jouets et leur mise en scène dans les espaces de commercialisation qui leur sont dédiés (magasins et catalogues notamment) sont des objets privilégiés pour l’étude des catégories de genre ; en eux se cristallise une multitude de... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSegmentation (Marketing)Language socialization
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      Transnational FamiliesChildhood Socialisationmigrant family
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games