Child Neurology
Recent papers in Child Neurology
This study was performed with the aim of determining the diagnostic profile of newborns with hypotonia and of analyzing the usefulness of different procedures in the diagnostic process. One hundred thirty-eight hypotonic newborns were... more
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) represent a heterogeneous group of disorders in which the safety margin of neuromuscular transmission is compromised by one or more specific mechanisms. Clinical, electrophysio-logic, and morphologic... more
We investigated anthropometric and fitness variables associated with areal bone mineral densities and broadband ultrasound attenuation in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Thirty-four children with cerebral palsy, aged 4-12 years,... more
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with cognitive changes, but the extent of cognition decline depends on age at onset, duration of diabetes and occurrence of attacks of hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis.This study was designed to assess... more
The cardinal driver of cerebral palsy litigation is electronic fetal monitoring, which has continued unabated for 40 years. Electronic fetal monitoring, however, is based on 19th-century childbirth myths, a virtually nonexistent... more
Residual hand use in functional tasks, extent of laterality, and right or left preference were studied in 145 2-to 24-year-old, postregression Australian subjects with Rett syndrome via parent questionnaire. Hand use was markedly... more
Introduction: Although multiple neurologic manifestations associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection have been described in adults, there is little information about those presented in children. Here, we described neurologic manifestations... more
Reading involves phonologic decoding, in which readers ``sound out'' a word; orthographic decoding, in which readers recognize a word visually, as in ``sight reading''; and comprehension. Because reading can involve... more
Hypertension is the single most important modifiable risk factor for adult stroke. Stroke mortality has significantly decreased over the last 5 decades; this decline has been mainly associated to improved blood pressure control. Though... more
The 6th AOCCN was held from the 5±8th of September 1999 at Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, in conjunction with the 21st Scienti®c Meeting of the Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA). This was the ®rst time that Malaysia had played host to... more
SYSTEMS 1 is a screen of general cognitive functioning, for school age children that entails cognitive manipulation and information skills. Our aim was to extend the test for four and five year old children at pre-school, to estimate... more
Our Rudrapur escorts agency day night hire have beautiful, well tasteful, well qualified It's not a business, pay money and have fun. We are sure that you will consider this as your escort agency. Lives with her sweetheart. When beauty... more
Paroxysmal tonic upgaze of childhood has been described as a benign distinctive syndrome of abnormal ocular movement, with or without concomitant ataxia. After the first observation of four children, a further 29 patients have been... more
The ability to anticipate deficits would help with implementation of interventions for children affected by stroke. The pediatric stroke outcome measure (measure) measures neurological impairment after stroke, but there has been little... more
Neurologists have professional, ethical, and social obligations to ensure that expert witness testimony is reliable, objective, and truthful. In the past, an absence of professional regulatory oversight combined with immunity from civil... more
The ketogenic diet, modified Atkins diet, and low-glycemicindex treatment have all emerged over the past decade as important therapeutic options for children with intractable epilepsy. Whereas only a decade ago the ketogenic diet was seen... more
Experiments in animals leave no doubt that androgens, including testosterone, produced by the testes in fetal and/or neonatal life act on the brain to induce sex differences in neural structure and function. In human beings, there is... more
. Seen here on one of his beloved sailing trips, Robert J. Joynt (third from left) surrounded by (clockwise from left) his sons-in-law,
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral condition of childhood. Consequences are multifaceted and include activity limitations in daily-living skills, academic challenges, diminished... more
Cerebral palsy, typically diagnosed in childhood, clearly continues into adulthood. This study describes the longterm medical, functional, educational, and psychosocial outcomes of people with cerebral palsy. Of the 203 people with... more
Европейският съюз (ЕС ) признава значението на туризма като социална и икономическа сила в Европа. Туризмът е сред топ приоритетите на ЕС за развитие , особено в периферните и послабо развитите региони , както и много общоевропейски... more
Congenital muscular torticollis is a common condition, but long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up is lacking. This study reports on neurodevelopmental outcome of 68 children, aged 7 to 9 years, with a history of congenital muscular... more
To determine if parents can successfully teach their children with autism spectrum disorders to become better sleepers, we piloted small group parent education workshops focused on behavioral sleep strategies. Workshops consisted of three... more
Developmental coordination disorder affects a relatively large proportion (5%-6%) of the childhood population. Severity of the disorder varies but there is a great need for therapeutic intervention. We propose a method for the training of... more
Qaddoumi I, Ezam N, Swaidan M, et al. Diffuse pontine glioma in Jordan and impact of up-front prognosis disclosure with parents and families.
Since the inception of the committee in early 2005, the members have held periodic conference calls to discuss the ways to establish practice guidelines for spinal muscular atrophy. Group leaders were tasked with conducting literature... more
Childhood leukoencephalopathies are a broad class of diseases, which are extremely rare. The treatment and classification of these disorders are both challenging. Nearly half of children presenting with a leukoencephalopathy remain... more
This study attempted to elaborate the existence of a specific neurologic pattern observed in children who experienced neonatal hypoglycemia. Twenty-seven patients with seizure and history of neonatal hypoglycemia were compared with 28... more
The specific aims of this study were to collect and analyze detailed symptom descriptions from patients with pediatric restless legs syndrome, ages 6 to 17 years, as well as assess symptom impact and the usefulness of drawings. Trained... more
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders has increased over recent years, however, little is known about the identification and management of autism spectrum disorder in Africa. This report summarizes a workshop on autism spectrum disorder... more