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The thesis concerns two pathways for legal intervention in cases of suspected child abuse at the hands of parents. One pathway is based on social law, where society's utmost tool is child protective custody. The other pathway is criminal... more
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    • Child Abuse And Neglect (Law)
The evidence-based decision-making (EBD) review service seeks to improve evidence, understanding and decision making in complex cases of neglect known to local authorities. The key findings are: • The review can play a role in improving... more
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      AssessmentChild abuse and neglectChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)Evidence-based practice
Το Ευρετήριο Ισχύουσας Νομοθεσίας για την Κακοποίηση και Παραμέληση Παιδιών περιλαμβάνει μια σύνοψη των βασικών νομικών κανόνων που ρυθμίζουν τις σχέσεις γονέα και παιδιού, την προστασία του παιδιού-θύματος και την υποχρέωση αναφοράς στις... more
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      LawSocial WorkChild abuse and neglectChildren and Families
Γράφω με αφορμή, τα άρθρα άλλων συναδέλφων εκπαιδευτικών, για τον σχολικό εκφοβισμό. Μετά από αρκετό προβληματισμό και ενδελεχή έρευνα κατάφερα να συλλέξω πληροφορίες για το άρθρο αυτό. Ας σημειωθεί πως είναι πενιχρή η βιβλιογραφία, για... more
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      PsychologyChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)Child protection and family lawEducational Psycology
This is a best practice guide in doing restorative justice in cases of sexual violence. Gives practitioners pointers for best practice and addresses some complex issues involved in facilitating this work
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      Critical TheoryCriminologyCriminal JusticeSocial Work
Early life experiences have long-lasting influence on a child. For an infant, the quality of caregiving is one of the most critical factors supporting growth and development. Adverse social events in infancy have the potency to alter the... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyHealth Psychology
Being on time provided a crucial role in maintaining order within the school system. Much of the time and work will be saved if this practice will be imposed to the system of every responsible administrators, teachers, and... more
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      Child Abuse And Neglect (Law)Children's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systems
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      Child Abuse And Neglect (Law)Transition to MotherhoodTeenage Parenthood
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      Child Abuse And Neglect (Law)Child Sexual Abuse
Dzieci od wieków były i są jednymi z najbardziej cierpiących i poszkodowanych w wyniku działań zbrojnych osób. Porywane, torturowane, gwałcone, odurzane narkotykami zmuszane do prostytucji i zagrażających życiu i zdrowiu prac, ale przede... more
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      International Humanitarian LawChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)Peace and Conflicts StudiesChild Soldiers and Children in Armed Conflict
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is the largest royal commission in Australia’s history and one of the largest public inquiries into institutional child abuse internationally. With an investment from... more
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      ReligionOrganizational ChangeSexual AbuseAustralian Studies
The incidence and prevalence of child maltreatment are continuing concerns. A number of sources have been tapped to yield incidence and prevalence figures. Official reports, which are mandated under state laws, provide an important... more
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      Child abuse and neglectChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)Child AbuseVictims and Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse
On December 24th, 1998 Craig fisher filed an appeal of his conviction of abuse or neglect of a disabled child based on insufficient evidence. Mr. Fisher also argued the term ‘Caretaker of a disabled child’ is unconstitutionally vague and... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCivil LawHuman Rights Law
Background : Enuresis is a frequent manifestation with important psychological and social consequences. The aim of the present study was to describe the types of child abuse as a result of enuresis, and to investigate the association of... more
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      Child abuse and neglectChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)PunishmentEnuresis and Childhood Incontinence
Special edition of Child Abuse & Neglect on the Australian Royal Commission
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      Historical SociologySociology of Children and ChildhoodOrganizational ChangeSexual Abuse
Child abuse has always been a social blight. Abuse can take the shape of physical, emotional or mental, cultural, economic, verbal, sexual. Even disciplinary techniques used by parents to punish their children frequently end up leaving... more
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      Social SciencesChild abuse and neglectChild MaltreatmentChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)
Patients have a right to autonomy that encompasses making medical decisions that others consider ‘bad’. The ambits of this right in law and clinical practice are explored in this article, which describes an expansion of welfare... more
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      Medical LawInformed ConsentChild Abuse And Neglect (Law)Vulnerability
Child abuse does not have to be physical or sexual. The most widespread forms of child abuse are psychological, and therefore harder to see, acknowledge, and eradicate. As abused children, we unconsciously pass on patterns of abuse... more
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      ReligionTheologyChild abuse and neglectFeminist Theology