Causal Theory of Perception
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Recent papers in Causal Theory of Perception
H.P. Grice's Causal Theory of Perception was advanced as a place-holder, advanced in order to discuss the differing roles of semantics and pragamatics of 'looks as if' locutions. However, it became very influential in the theory of... more
In an important late paper, ‘The Role of the Imagination in Kant’s Theory of Experience’, Sellars brings together ideas about the complex nature of perceptual consciousness and the content of perceptual demonstratives. In a development of... more
In this paper I will try to outline a Metaphysics of Perception that takes for granted one of the central thesis of the metaphysical doctrine called Indirect Realism. Firstly, I will introduce the central thesis of Indirect Realism and... more
Several psychological theories of perception claim that the possible is something we perceive. Typically, the ecological approach holds that perception provides direct access to opportunities for action potentiated by the structures of... more
Many philosophers believe that there is a causal condition on perception, and that this condition is a conceptual truth about perception. A highly influential argument for this claim is based on intuitive responses to Gricean-style... more
We can hear silence because silence, an absence of sound, causes our hearing of it. Advocating this position, Roy Sorensen puts to use his own theory of the direct perception of absences. Sorensen’s theory, which relies on two theories of... more
Das Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist es erstens, die Unterscheidung zwischen dem direkten und indirekten Realismus hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmung zu erläutern und zweitens, die weit verbreitete Ansicht, der direkte Realismus sei mit der... more
Two arguments Paul Snowdon has brought against the causal theory of perception are examined. One involves the claim that, based on the phenomenology of perceptual situations, it cannot be the case that perception is an essentially causal... more