Catholic Church and media
Recent papers in Catholic Church and media
With respect to the problem of the capacity of media to transmit religious messages, it is important to understand where the catholic media stand in terms of popularity. A thorough examination of the question of media preferences of... more
Here is a list of important elements to consider when drawing up a Communication Plan for a Diocese. It was presented at the 'Seminar for New Bishops’ organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples in Rome, on 17... more
There is a perception that the Church is circumspect about the use of new technology. Perhaps this view stems from the understanding that the Church is traditional in nature in terms of accepting change or changing. The situation is even... more
This academic essay entitled, “Summary of Inter Mirifica” deals with the summary of the Second Vatican Council’s decree on the means of social communication.
This review addresses recent work on media practices in situations of religious diversity. I hereby distinguish three approaches in this literature: the media politics of diversity, religious diversity and the public sphere, and the... more
W kontekście dwóch teorii komunikacji społecznej „agenda setting” oraz „spirali milczenia” autorka prezentuje problematykę obecności instytucji kościelnych w mediach społecznościowych. W artykule podjęta została refleksja nad zagadnieniem... more
The Declaration 'Dominus Iesus' (2000) is one of the Vatican documents to have provoked most journalistic controversy in recent years. We may ask ourselves why a topic of apparently little journalistic interest, such as a theological... more
Religijne rytuały odnośnie kultu świętych przenoszone są do cyberprzestrzeni, gdzie następuje równoczesny proces tworzenia nowej wirtualnej obrzędowości. Tradycyjnych czcicieli zastępują hagiofani, którzy traktują patronów bardziej jak... more
U radu su prikazani sudski postupci protiv katoličkih novina Mali koncil, Glas Koncila i Glasnik sv. Antuna Padovanskoga (poslije Veritas) te njihovih urednika i autora Franje Kuharića, Živka Kustića i Ivona Ćuka šezdesetih i sedamdesetih... more
The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are based on more than ten previous researches in the field of Church and media, realized on the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. She... more
This article presents the state of the parish press in the Diocese of Zielona Góra and Gorzów, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis is based on previous studies of the subject, as well as on the author's own research. Apart... more
Kościół w social media. Komunikacja instytucji eklezjalnych w mediach społecznościowych w perspektywie medioznawczej i teologicznej Church in social media. The communication of ecclesial institutions in social media from the media science... more
In the whole world, independently of the country, we observe the process of media concentration. More and more huge consortia and media groups are being created. This often causes small, individual, autonomous titles, portals, radio or... more
The year 2020 will go down in history as the year of COVID-19, even in the realm of the Catholic Church. Among other things, the pandemic led the Pope to forgo all pastoral trips outside of Italy. During the twelve months of that... more
Technology for Ministry: Best Practices for Evangelization on Social Media and the Internet in Africa is written to enlighten the clergy, religious (including those in formation), and the lay faithful on the benefits of the social media... more
Za pis ro zmow y z ks. Ada mem Bo nieckim, były m reda ktorem na czelnym " Tygo dnika Pow szechnego" -Kisiel często kończył felietony pretensjami pod adresem adiustatorek i korektorek "Tygodnika Powszechnego". Krytyczne uwagi dotyczyły... more
The author analyses strong and weak points of the Church media in Slovakia. Her conclusions are based on more than ten previous researches in the field of Church and media, realized on the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. She... more
JOURNALISM AND THE CHURCH: IS IT A MATTER OF MUTUAL DISTRUST? Some Highlights from History Vatican I (1869-interruption in July 1870) 4 Cf. Footnote n.2. 5 After the French Revolution and the brief period of the Restoration of Monarchies... more
Una riflessione sul rapporto tra liturgia e mezzi di comunicazione all'interno della tavola rotonda: "Quanto resta da fare nella situazione socio-culturale attuale: problemi e proposte operative dall'esperienza sul campo", all'interno del... more
Kościół w social media. Komunikacja instytucji eklezjalnych w mediach społecznościowych w perspektywie medioznawczej i teologicznej Church in social media. The communication of ecclesial institutions in social media from the media science... more
The relationship between the Catholic Church and the media, especially in last decades, has certainly not been a smooth one. The Church cannot ignore the power, potential and influence that the media has in today’s world but has also to... more