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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtGothic PaintingDomenico Di Michelino
Schede dei dipinti su tavola dei Biazaci esposti alla mostra "Tesori del Marchesato di Saluzzo. Arte, storia e cultura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento", svolta a Saluzzo (Monastero della Stella, Casa Cavassa e Castiglia, dal 2 luglio al 31... more
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      LiguriaPiemonteLate Gothic PaintingTardogotico
The first, rich monograph dedicated to the painters Tommaso and Matteo Biazaci, two brothers coming from Busca (a little town not far from Cuneo) and active in southern-west Piedmont and in western Liguria, during the second half of the... more
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      LiguriaPiemonteLate Gothic PaintingAffreschi Quattrocento
University of Turin - Italy, Bachelor degree (four-year degree) in Materie Letterarie (curriculum Art History); Supervisor prof. Gianni Carlo Sciolla; co-supervisor prof. Valerio Terraroli; Valutation: 110/110 cum laude (defence day:... more
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      15th Century Italian ArtLiguriaPiemonteLate Gothic Painting