Byzantine Church Music
Recent papers in Byzantine Church Music
Ιωάννης Φούλιας, Πέτρος Βούβαρης, Κώστας Καρδάμης και Κώστας Χάρδας (επιμ.), 7ο Διατμηματικό Μουσικολογικό Συνέδριο: «Μουσική, λόγος και τέχνες» (Πρακτικά διατμηματικού συνεδρίου υπό την αιγίδα της Ελληνικής Μουσικολογικής Εταιρείας,... more
The story of a composition (the story of any composition) constitutes -undoubtedly- a completely interesting “adventure”: as soon as its composer conceives it, it is noted down (by its composer or by his students), it is copied (unedited... more
The antiphony technique, according to which sacral music is interpreted in Orthodox churches all over the world, is well known: two chanters (or two choirs of chanters) facing each other sing alternately the musical parts of an... more
Εισήγηση στο Επιστημονικό συμπόσιο
Οι ήχοι της μουσικής
συνομιλούν με τους ήχους της Φυσικής
Οι ήχοι της μουσικής
συνομιλούν με τους ήχους της Φυσικής
Ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό του Τμήματος Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ. Σύνθεσις τόμ. 4, τεύχος ΙΙ (Δεκέμβριος 2015), σσ. 1-29 ( και συγκεκριμένα εδώ:
“All master composers of Greek ecclesiastic music” is a particularly well-known catalogue, composed by Kyrillos Marmarinos, bishop of Tenos, during the period 1734/6-1770. It constitutes one of the oldest (and most accurate) collections... more
There are, undoubtedly, questions raised about the way psaltic art was taught at different given historical times in the mind of any person who studies Byzantine music. Unfortunately, these are questions, which do not have an easy answer... more
It is known –from Chrysanthos’ Great Theory of Music– that “ethe in melopoeia were three, the diastaltic, the systaltic and the hesychastic. They were called ethe, because by them the state of the soul was observed and corrected.... more
It is taken for granted that Music plays a primary part in every kind of Entertainment. Speaking more specifically of the geographical area of the East (and much more during the late Medieval period, when we have a plethora of relevant... more
The idea of illustrating melodies it’s a given in Byzantine Music Theory; it’s mainly related to the technique of the so-called Cheironomia [gesticulation]; it’s really admirable, for instance, what Kyrillos Marmarinos, former bishop of... more
In the ritual of the Matins (and especially in the psalms that constitute the fixed repertoire of this service), the tactic of the imposition of (non-psalmic) poetic texts in the compositions of the Polyeleoi is quite interesting.... more
This is a preliminary paper of my forthcoming study about the life and work of Daniel, the Protopsaltes of the Great Church of Constantinople (+ 1789). The present “prodromic announcement” focus at the main points of the mentioned... more
Црквено појање као певана молитва представља једну од главних активности монашког и, шире посматрано, хришћанског живота. У фокусу интересовања овог рада налази се богослужбено певање сестринства манастира Жиче, његов развој од средине... more
Μιὰ ἐνδιαφέρουσα «διαλεκτικὴ» μεταξὺ τῶν φυσιογνωμιῶν τοῦ ψάλτη καὶ τοῦ μελοποιοῦ παρουσιάζεται στὸ παρὸν κείμενο. Πρόκειται γιὰ δύο διαφορετικὰ πρόσωπα ἢ –οὐσιαστικά– γιὰ μία φυσιογνωμία, αὐτὴ ποὺ περιγράφεται σὲ παλαιότερα θεωρητικὰ ὡς... more
It is known that Byzantine Music develops, spreads and evolves in a clearly traditional and therefore conservative field; in the field of the Orthodox Church. Even in this specific traditional atmosphere, creation of new musical... more
Ὁ Γεώργιος-Εὐτύχιος Οὐγουρλοῦς εἶναι μὲν (ἥκιστα) γνωστὸς ὡς μουσικός (ψάλτης καὶ δάσκαλος καὶ κωδικογράφος καὶ μελοποιός), ἡ συμβολή του ὅμως στὴν ἐξήγηση τῆς σημειογραφίας παρέμενε μᾶλλον παραγνωρισμένη. Στὴν παροῦσα ἀνακοίνωση, πέρα... more
Τὸ παρὸν κείμενο ἀναφέρεται, γενικά, στὸ ρόλο τῶν γυναικῶν στὴν ψαλτικὴ τέχνη, δηλαδὴ στὴν ἑλληνικὴ ὀρθόδοξη ἐκκλησιαστικὴ μουσική. Στὴ σχετικὴ βιβλιογραφία ὑπάρχουν (γύρω ἀπὸ αὐτὸ –ἀκριβῶς– τὸ θέμα) ὁρισμένες μελέτες, γραμμένες ἀπὸ... more
As the major proportion of written and oral tradition of Byzantine Music is delivered (uninterrupted from the 10th century until now) listed or expressed in Greek, it seems perhaps obvious that Greek language has to be recognised as... more
Ἡ μελέτη εἶναι πρωτότυπη καὶ ἐξαιρετικὰ ἐνδιαφέρουσα, καθὼς γιὰ πρώτη φορὰ ἀποσαφηνίζεται πλήρως ἡ ταυτότητα δύο ὁμωνύμων Ἁγιορειτῶν μουσικῶν (Δαμασκηνὸς μοναχὸς ὁ Ἰβηρίτης καὶ Θεσσαλός, Δαμασκηνὸς ἱερομόναχος ὁ Παντοκρατορηνὸς [ἐνῶ... more
John Laskaris’s short Treatise on Byzantine Music Theory is of particular musicological interest; it’s titled as follows: This is another modulation of the musical art, more wisely devised and more exact in every detail, worked out and... more
The Patriarch of Constantinople Athanasios the 5th is an exceptionally important church figure, widely renowned to the relevant historical research. He was descended from Crete; through historians, he is described as “a wise man, whose... more
From the beginning of 18th century the “fever” of interpretation (that was a new “interpretative way” of writing down and composing music) was “burning” the world of ecclesiastic chant in Constantinople. One may reasonably assume that the... more
У фокусу овог рада налазе се фактори који утичу на формирање савременог репертоара богослужбених песама на примеру причасних песама у музичкој пракси на територији Београдско-карловачке митрополије. У раду се сагледава комплексан однос... more
Οἱ συνθέσεις φημῶν καὶ πολυχρονισμῶν πρὸς τιμὴν ἐκκλησιαστικῶν καὶ πολιτικῶν προσωπικοτήτων ἦταν πολὺ διαδεδομένες κατὰ τὴ Βυζαντινὴ καὶ Μεταβυζαντινὴ ἐποχή. Πρόκειται γιὰ συνθέσεις μὲ ἐγκωμιαστικοὺς στίχους, προσαρμοσμένους καθ' ἑκάστη... more
The work of Petros Bereketes –all-encompassing, as his name suggests- presents a wondrous balance between the developed old and the emerging new musical traditions, surely, something not uncustomary for the period during which the... more
While everybody knows what either “Polyphony” or “Monophony” means, the question about the existing of any "purely polyphonic" or "purely monophonic" cultures in the world remains still open. Byzantine Music has obviously such a "purely... more
Στάθης Κομνηνός
Ποια η μουσική μας ταυτότητα ;
Εισήγηση στο Επιστημονικό συμπόσιο
Οι ήχοι της μουσικής
συνομιλούν με τους ήχους της Φυσικής
Ποια η μουσική μας ταυτότητα ;
Εισήγηση στο Επιστημονικό συμπόσιο
Οι ήχοι της μουσικής
συνομιλούν με τους ήχους της Φυσικής