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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsSouth Africa
His mind was like a soup dish-wide and shallow; ...'' -Irving Stone on
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      GeologyGeochemistryMagma ChamberSr isotopes
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      Earth SciencesSouth AfricaPrecambrianHot Spot
Well preserved supracrustal basin-fills including the oldest large depository (Witwatersrand) known makes the Kaapvaal craton an ideal example for studying controls on first-and second-order stratigraphic cyclicity. The duration of the... more
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      GeologySea LevelSequence StratigraphySedimentary Geology
Well preserved supracrustal basin-fills including the oldest large depository (Witwatersrand) known makes the Kaapvaal craton an ideal example for studying controls on first-and second-order stratigraphic cyclicity. The duration of the... more
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      GeologySea LevelSequence StratigraphySedimentary Geology
The mafic layered rocks of the Bushveld Complex are 6-8 km thick and crop out over an area of 65,000 km 2 . Previous interpretations of the Bouguer gravity anomalies suggested that the intrusion consisted of two totally separate bodies.... more
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The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex is one of the world's largest resources of platinum group elements (PGE); however, mechanisms for its formation remain poorly understood, and many contradictory theories have been proposed. We... more
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Four poikilitic pyroxenites of the Bastard Unit, all being relatively low in osmium concentrations, define a Re-Os isochron age of 2043 š 11 Ma (with initial 187 Os= 188 Os D 0.151), which is in accordance with the normally cited... more
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      Earth SciencesPhysical sciencesEarth and Planetary ScienceMagma mixing
The Woodlands Formation (uppermost Pretoria Group) of eastern Botswana overlies thick quartzites of the Sengoma Formation (Magaliesberg Formation) and comprises a lower unit of interbedded mudrocks and fine-grained recrystallised... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsSouth AfricaBushveld Complex
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      Earth SciencesPhysical sciencesEarth and Planetary ScienceMagma mixing
The Platreef is the main platinum-group element (PGE)-bearing horizon in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. It is considered to be richer in sulphides than other similar horizons within the Bushveld Complex, in... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesStable IsotopeBushveld Complex
Platinum arsenide minerals are important platinum carriers in altered platinum reserves such as the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe and the Platreef (in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa). Industrial mineralogical investigations suggest these... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRaman SpectroscopyMinerals EngineeringSouth Africa
The Dufek intrusion, in the northern part of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica, is part of an extensive, Middle Jurassic igneous province that was related to, and emplaced just prior to Gondwana break-up. It has been described as one of... more
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      Earth SciencesSouth AfricaMiddle JurassicPhysical sciences
The oxidation state of vanadium in natural and synthetic Fe-Ti oxides is determined using high-energy resolution fluorescence-detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS). Eleven natural magnetite-bearing samples from a borehole of... more
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      Materials EngineeringGeochemistryX ray absorption spectroscopySouth Africa
Metapelitic rocks from the Marble Hall Fragment, enclosed in the granites of the magmatic Bushveld Complex, record a two-stage, low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphism. An early paragenesis containing chiastolitic andalusite,... more
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      GeologySouth AfricaHigh TemperaturePartial Melting
Well preserved supracrustal basin-fills including the oldest large depository (Witwatersrand) known makes the Kaapvaal craton an ideal example for studying controls on first-and second-order stratigraphic cyclicity. The duration of the... more
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      GeologySea LevelSequence StratigraphySedimentary Geology
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      GeologySouthern AfricaSouth AfricanSouth African geology
In the Panzhihua-Xichang region (Sichuan Province, SW China), there are a number of world-class magmatic Fe-Ti oxide deposits. They are hosted as conformable masses in lower parts of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions that are part of... more
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The numerous greenstone remnants which occur as inclusions in the Archaean gneissic granitoid basement exposed in the core of the Vredefort Dome display evidence of very high grades of granulite facies metamorphism and an unusually... more
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      Earth SciencesGranulitesPrecambrianBushveld Complex
Metapelitic rocks in the aureole beneath the Bushveld Complex preserve evidence for both high-and low-a H 2 O anatexis. The aureole is characterized by an inverted thermal structure in which suprasolidus rocks potentially interacted with... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologySouth Africa
considerable period, possibly concomitant with adjustment of major structures in the footwall to the Bushveld Complex and pulses into the magma chamber.
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      GeologyGeochemistryStructural ControlNearest Neighbor
Petrographic and compositional variations in the Lower Main Zone (LMZ) of the western Bushveld Complex indicate changing regimes of magma replenishment. The lowermost unit of the LMZ, designated N-I, is an enigmatic sequence of... more
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      GeologySouth AfricaBushveld Complex
P-wave and S-wave delay times from the broadband data of the southern Africa seismic experiment have been inverted to obtain three-dimensional images of velocity perturbations in the mantle beneath southern Africa. High velocity mantle... more
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      Southern AfricaMultidisciplinaryTime-Delay SystemsThree Dimensional Imaging
The Normal Reef Subfacies of the Swartklip facies of the Merensky Reef along the western limb of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, exposed on Northam Platinum mine, displays lateral and vertical variations in its inter-chromitite lithologies,... more
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      GeologyCanadianSouth AfricaBushveld Complex
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      South AfricaSulfur IsotopeBushveld Complex
The three-dimensional shapes of mafic layered intrusions have to be inferred from surface outcrops, in some cases aided by drilling and/or geophysical data. However, geophysical models are often equivocal. For the 2.06 Ga Bushveld Complex... more
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New d 18 O values for plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine, and limited whole-rock dD values are presented for samples from the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. In combination with existing data, these provide... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyHydrogen isotopes
Trace elements were analysed in rocks and minerals from three sections across the Merensky Reef in the Rustenburg Platinum Mine in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. Whole rocks and separated minerals were analysed by inductively... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySouth AfricaRare Earth Element Mineralization
Reef for platinum-group elements (PGEs), Re and Au using laser The enrichment of noble metals in layered gabbroic ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and synthetic intrusions to form stratiform Merensky-type ore horizons... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyLaser Ablation
An extensive physical property database has been compiled from measurements of density and susceptibility on the Bellevue drillcore from the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. Analysis of these data was performed using... more
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      South AfricaBushveld Complex
Debate over the mechanism of accretion of the layered gabbros of the lower oceanic crust has been centered on the gabbro glacier and the sheeted sills models. In the gabbro glacier model it is proposed that the lower oceanic crust (below... more
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      Earth SciencesMid Ocean RidgePhysical sciencesCooling Rate
We evaluate the 190 Pt-186 Os decay system, measured by laser ablation MC-ICPMS, as a useful geochronometric tool for direct dating of platinum-group minerals (PGM) in large mafic/ultra-mafic intrusions by analysing mineralised rocks from... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeochronologyChemical Geology
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      Earth SciencesSouth AfricaPrecambrianHot Spot
Trace elements were analysed in rocks and minerals from three sections across the Merensky Reef in the Rustenburg Platinum Mine in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. Whole rocks and separated minerals were analysed by inductively... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySouth AfricaRare Earth Element Mineralization
White micas from metamorphosed and hydrothermally-altered basaltic lavas, conglomerates, quartzites and shales in and around the Ventersdorp Contact Reef of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were dated by the K-Ar method to constrain... more
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      GeologySouth AfricaGrain sizeHydrothermal Alteration
Palaeomagnetic results from upper Palaeogene volcanics from three localities in the Qiangtang terrane of Central Tibet record a maximum likelihood palaeolatitude of 28.7 ± 3.7 • N. These are the first volcanic-based palaeomagnetic results... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsSouth AfricaMaximum Likelihood
The Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) was the host of several major magmatic events around 2000 Ma, including the Bushveld Complex, the world's largest known layered mafic intrusion (∼0.5-1 × 10 6 km 3 ). The Bushveld Complex has been the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsSouth AfricaData Collection
The Uitkomst Complex is a satellite intrusion of the Bushveld Complex and contains the only mine currently producing Ni as the main product in South Africa. Previously reported sulfur isotopic data suggest that externally derived sulfur... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryStable IsotopesMineral Chemistry
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologySouth Africa
Debate over the mechanism of accretion of the lower oceanic crust has centered around the gabbro glacier and the sheeted sills models. The thermal profile of the crust, specifically the roles of hydrothermal circulation and cooling rate,... more
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      Earth SciencesMid Ocean RidgePhysical sciencesCooling Rate
An extensive physical property database has been compiled from measurements of density and susceptibility on the Bellevue drillcore from the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. Analysis of these data was performed using... more
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      South AfricaBushveld Complex
White micas from metamorphosed and hydrothermally-altered basaltic lavas, conglomerates, quartzites and shales in and around the Ventersdorp Contact Reef of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, were dated by the K-Ar method to constrain... more
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      GeologySouth AfricaGrain sizeHydrothermal Alteration
Due to the very fine grained nature and complexity of the platinum bearing ores from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, numerous processing operations have investigated alternate comminution devices that can be used to liberate the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHigh PressureEnergy Consumption
We evaluate the 190 Pt-186 Os decay system, measured by laser ablation MC-ICPMS, as a useful geochronometric tool for direct dating of platinum-group minerals (PGM) in large mafic/ultra-mafic intrusions by analysing mineralised rocks from... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeochronologyChemical Geology
Debate over the mechanism of accretion of the lower oceanic crust has centered around the gabbro glacier and the sheeted sills models. The thermal profile of the crust, specifically the roles of hydrothermal circulation and cooling rate,... more
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      Earth SciencesMid Ocean RidgePhysical sciencesCooling Rate
This paper describes the occurrence of a rare form of exsolution texture known as symplectitic augite in a melagabbronorite from the lower portion of the Platreef in the Northern Sector of the Northern Limb as intersected by the... more
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      GeologySouth African geologyBushveld Complex
Four poikilitic pyroxenites of the Bastard Unit, all being relatively low in osmium concentrations, define a Re-Os isochron age of 2043 š 11 Ma (with initial 187 Os= 188 Os D 0.151), which is in accordance with the normally cited... more
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      Earth SciencesPhysical sciencesMagma mixingSr isotopes
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      Remote SensingSouth AfricaGeomatic EngineeringFirst-Order Logic
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The Uitkomst Complex is a satellite intrusion of the Bushveld Complex and contains the only mine currently producing Ni as the main product in South Africa. Previously reported sulfur isotopic data suggest that externally derived sulfur... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryStable IsotopesMineral Chemistry