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The majority of rings recovered in Aquincum, the provincial capital of Pannonia Inferior, are made of bronze. Finger-rings form into eleven types based on their form. In addition, eight groups have been differentiated after the analysis... more
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      AquincumRoman JewelleryBronze jewelleryTypes of Roman Finger-Rinngs
The majority of rings recovered in Aquincum (Budapest), the capital of the Roman province Pannonia Inferior, in today's Hungary, are made of bronze. Finger rings can be classified in eleven groups by their shapes. In addition, their... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceManufacturing EngineeringAquincum
The majority of rings recovered in Aquincum (Budapest), the capital of the Roman province Pannonia Inferior, in today's Hungary, are made of bronze. Finger rings can be classified in eleven groups by their shapes. In addition, their... more
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      Materials EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringAquincumRoman Jewellery
The majority of rings recovered in Aquincum (Budapest), the capital of the Roman province Pannonia Inferior, in today's Hungary, are made of bronze. Finger rings can be classified in eleven groups by their shapes. In addition, their... more
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      Materials EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringAquincumElectronics Materials and Manufacturing
Les pendeloques penniformes à anneau sont des productions courantes de l'espace euro-méditerranéen protohistorique. Les « pendeloques-plumes » illustrent une interprétation insulaire de cette tradition. 62 individus composent le corpus... more
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      ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
Since the dawn of metallurgy, metal objects have been associated with high status within human groups. Questions arise concerning their functionality and use, and especially their meaning. Some tools/weapons might certainly be attributed... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMetallurgyFunerary Archaeology
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      Funerary ArchaeologyScythian archaeologyAncient jewelleryAncient Metal Technology