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      Colonial Brazilian HistoryBrazilian Indigenous HistoryBrazilian featherwork
Taking a feather fan belonging to the Jerônimo Ferreira das Neves Collection at the D. João VI Museum in Rio de Janeiro as a starting point, this article examines a type of featherwork that was produced for export during the nineteenth... more
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      ExoticismThe Nineteenth CenturyBrazilian featherwork
Im Bestand der Naturhistorischen Abteilung des Museums Wiesbaden, eines der drei hessischen Landesmuseen, befindet sich eine ethnographische Sammlung von etwa 500 Objekten. Im Jahr 1926 schenkten die »Geschwister Brambeer« dem... more
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      History of CollectionsTextile TechnologySouth American IndiansAmazonian Ethnology
Featherworks are part of the most remarkable category of material culture produced by Brazilian indigenous groups because of their technicality and their aesthetic beauty standards. Weapons, baskets and musical instruments are frequently... more
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      Conservation and RestorationGamma IrradiationConservation of Ethnographical ArtefactsBrazilian featherwork