Box Plots
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Recent papers in Box Plots
This paper focuses upon EDA on IMDB data and building of a recommendation system using Content and Collaborative based recommender system based on K nearest neighbours and NLP techniques.
Foliensatz für Statistik I in den berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen BWL und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen in den Fachbereichen Automatisierung und Informatik sowie Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Sommersemester 2016.
In this study, data mining using box plots and multivariate statistical analysis using factor analysis are employed for a spatio-temporal analysis of coastal water quality data from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. The analysis of box plots... more
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Box-Plots und Stem-and-Leaf-Diagrammen.
Übungsaufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Box-Plots und Stamm-Blatt-Diagrammen.
"In this study, data mining using box plots and multivariate statistical analysis using factor analysis are employed for a spatio-temporal analysis of coastal water quality data from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. The analysis of box plots... more
Batch microcosm experiments were conducted to examine the impact of soil organic matter (SOM) on the sorption and phase distribution of 20% butanol-blended gasoline (B20) compounds in the vadose zone. SOM was found to promote the sorption... more
Year 11 (15-year-old) students are not exposed to formal statistical inferential methods. When drawing conclusions from data, their reasoning must be based mainly on looking at graph representations. Therefore, a challenge for research is... more
The aeration of volatile organic compounds (VOC) is based on the mass transfer rate of VOCs from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase. Principle of air stripping involves the mass transfer of volatile organic contaminant from water to... more
Spatial and temporal variations of river water quality: A case study of River Kabini at Nanjangud in Karnataka
Twelve hours of power outages daily from the national grid in the current season and up to sixteen hours in the lean period is the state of commercial energy in Nepal. Women in rural areas spend a considerable amount of their time in the... more
In the context of Smart Cities, monitoring the dynamic of the presence of people is a crucial aspect for the well-being of an urban area. We use mobile phone data as a proxy for the total number of people (Carpita & Simonetto 2014), with... more
Grape stalk Effect of pH Effect of temperature Box plots a b s t r a c t In this work, the effect of pH control on kinetics of Cr(VI) sorption onto grape stalks has been studied. A set of experiments were performed at a constant pH 3 ±... more
A major impact of eutrophication is the stimulation of algal growth and the production of harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs can have profound negative effects on the environment, which include severe dissolved oxygen depletion, fish... more
In the context of Smart Cities, monitoring the dynamic of the presence of people is a crucial aspect for the well-being of an urban area. We use mobile phone data as a proxy for the total number of people (Carpita & Simonetto 2014), with... more
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