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Abstract THE EFFECTS OF EXPRESSIVE ARTS ON DECISION-MAKING: SENSEMAKING IN SITUATIONS OF COMPLEXITY AND AMBIGUITY The increase in personal and global interdependence, interconnectedness, and diversity is compelling individuals and... more
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      PsychologyArt TherapyPerson-centred TherapyExpressive Arts Therapy
The Great Art Nude Survey is a life-model led research initiative aimed at assessing the current state of nude arts working in British Arts and Education. It is an independent Public Arts and Community Education project from Cast-Off... more
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      Gender StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance Studies
Com este volume, inauguramos a coletânea Práticas Somáticas em Dança, um espaço para a reflexão sobre a íntima relação entre a arte da dança e a transdisciplinaridade do campo de práticas e estudos somáticos. Este primeiro livro remete... more
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      Dance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary dancePerformanceSomatics
The perception of the Victorian asylum is dominated by images of manacles, leeches and padded cells. Yet this obfuscates a very different side of these institutions; throughout the nineteenth century a vast array of entertainment was... more
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      Victorian StudiesHistory of MedicineMusic therapy (Psychology)Medical Humanities
RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo se realiza una reflexión en torno a la moda, al fenómeno Fashion que, a través de la estética del vestir, evidencia los contextos sociológicos y antropológicos de una época. Ya que, a partir de la creación... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologySocial Theory
Artist-led doctorates are flourishing across academia, challenging traditional thesis forms. My project involved creating a vinyl record trilogy with a reflective guide/exegesis. It is an idiosyncratic ethnography of the self, rooted... more
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      PsychiatryMusicPhilosophyArt Theory
A review of research and methods used to establish Art Based Therapy in conjunction with various modalities based on the Wisdom of the Mind to bring about effective methods in healing.
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      BuddhismArt TherapyCreative Arts TherapyExpressive Art Therapy