Biosand Filter
Recent papers in Biosand Filter
In order to satisfy their need, people, who have limited access to safe water supply, use other available sources, which are not necessarily safe. Household water treatment systems (HHWTSs) has been proved useful to combat diarrheal... more
Design and fabrication of appropriate technology (biosand filter) that is directly can be applied for community has successfully been carried out for providing clean water. The technology is adopted from slow sand filter method. Biosand... more
The purpose of this research is to evaluate in relation to sustainable development, the BioSand Filter the (BSF) project, implemented from 2011 to 2012 by the Global Engagement & Mobilization (GEM) team in Handong Global University. The... more
Design and fabrication of appropriate technology (biosand filter) that is directly can be applied for community has successfully been carried out for providing clean water. The technology is adopted from slow sand filter method. Biosand... more
Design and fabrication of appropriate technology (biosand filter) that is directly can be applied for community has successfully been carried out for providing clean water. The technology is adopted from slow sand filter method. Biosand... more