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Bhima Bhoi is one of Orissa's most interesting literary and religeous personalities. Indeed Bhima Bhoi's importance should not be underestimated. The major part of the popular devotional poetry that characterizes Mahima Dharma is... more
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      HinduismIndian CultureOrissaBhakti Traditions
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Mahima Dharma (‘the Dharma of Glory’) is one of the most fascinating living religious traditions of Orissa. It originated during the 19th century as an autochthonous reform movement, emerging out of the nirguna bhakti tradition of India.... more
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      HinduismOrissan History, Society and CulturePre-colonial and Post-colonial Orissa HistoryBhima Bhoi
Colonialism had drastically changed the nature of society and the polity of India. Orissa one of the eastern states comes under colonial supervision in 1803. Due to British intervention power dynamics was gradually changed over a period... more
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      AnthropologyNationalismColonialismBritish Empire
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      OdishaBhima BhoiMahima Dharma
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      ReligionHinduismSociologyCultural Studies