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      BelgiumBelgiqueBelgian constitutional law
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      ReligionConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyHuman Rights Law
Ce rapport examine la théorie et la pratique des ententes intergouvernementales (EIG) dans quatre fédérations ou quasi-fédérations afin d’en tirer certains enseignements potentiellement porteurs pour la Belgique. Les accords de... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawFederalism and Intergovernmental RelationsCanadaRoyaume-Uni
The debate in Belgian scholarship about changing the rules of the amending procedure of the Belgian Constitution does have some history now. Since 2003, art. 195 of the Belgian Constitution (BC), enshrining the amending process, has... more
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      Constitutional LawInterdisciplinarityDemocratic TheoryLegal