Dear brother Wilkin: Greetings! My apologies for the long lapse of time in getting a response off to you. So, without further delay (and without taking up more space than I already have!)… The following is a ―Revised and Expanded...
moreDear brother Wilkin:
Greetings! My apologies for the long lapse of time in getting a response off to you. So, without further delay (and without taking up more space than I already have!)…
The following is a ―Revised and Expanded Edition‖ of my earlier compilation of some passages of Scripture bearing on particular aspects of the nature, reign, inheritance, heavenly glory, and infinite blessings of Christ's beloved Body & Bride (comprised exclusively of all believers saved from Pentecost to Pre-Trib Rapture) in and with her Head, Life & Bridegroom – all by the infinite riches of His grace, unleashed by His infinitely precious, once-for-all shed blood.
This reworked compilation now has the added benefit [?] of being accompanied by some observations, remarks and questions, as well as liberally-interspersed commentary by a few ―guest speakers‖ (who are not cited as sources of authority, but simply as more eloquent expounders of the truth they conveyed in that which is quoted).
I have necessarily confined myself to the NT books of John-Revelation, as there alone (particularly in the Epistles of Paul) will the nature, purpose, and destiny of the Church be found – not in the earthly, law, kingdom-centered Synoptic Gospels (precious and indispensable though they be).
Let me say that when it comes to my view of the (Pre-Tribulational) Rapture, it is governed and determined by my understanding of the Soteriology and Ecclesiology of the present intercalary age; which thus allows all (through normal, plain, literal interpretation) to be kept in its proper, perfect, scriptural perspective and harmony – without contradicting or slighting any of its constituent parts.
Likewise, it will become quite evident as we proceed that my view of such things as the Bema-Seat of Christ, and other related matters, is also governed and determined by my understanding of the Soteriology and Ecclesiology of the present intercalary age; which thus, again, allows all (through normal, plain, literal interpretation) to be kept in its proper, perfect, scriptural perspective and harmony – without contradicting or slighting any of its constituent parts.
In contrast, it seems to me, your views on the Soteriology and Ecclesiology of the present age are rather governed and determined by your (mis)understanding of such things as the Bema-Seat of Christ, and other related matters; which thus does not allow all to be kept in its proper, perfect, scriptural perspective and harmony – resulting in many of its constituent parts being contradicted, slighted, and misunderstood. The content and format of my response is thus, at least in part, intended (if not completely well designed) to make that apparent.
Let it be observed, too, in passing, that absolutely none of the passages in the Synoptic Gospels which speak, e.g., of ―outer darkness‖ and ―weeping and gnashing teeth‖ (Matt. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Lk. 13:28) are believed to be capable of application to any believers in general, let alone to any members of Christ‘s Body & Bride in particular.
Please note that the subdivisions below are not absolute; there is a good deal of overlapping, and necessarily so, as the truths taken up under each section are inextricably interrelated, due to the very nature and destiny of the Church. This too will become quite evident as we proceed.
There is much here [understatement!] to digest, dear brother; so please do take your time as you chew it over and weigh its substance.
If there are any areas that you feel have not been addressed, either adequately or at all (including points from your previous correspondence), please let me know.
May the Lord use that which is true herein to His glory and for your blessing.
Yours in Him Who is our Acceptance, Life & Hope,
James M Ventilato