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The marine resources in Apulit Island, Palawan were assessed to evaluate its status after decades of protection. The hard coral cover in six sites ranged from 6.88 to 71.25%. Some reefs have been overgrown with macroalgae. The reef fish... more
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      Marine Protected AreasCoral ReefsAssesment of Water Resource and Wateshed Managment
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMining EngineeringCivil Engineering
Streamflow measurements are of paramount importance in water resources engineering. It is the basic data required for planning and design of various structures and water resource projects such as culverts, bridges, operation of... more
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      Civil EngineeringWaterHydrologyWater resources
The purpose of this paper is to explicate the importance of control of water supplies and infrastructure in the realisation of the end goals of the Islamic State. This paper will examine how and when the Islamic State takes control of... more
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      TerrorismWaterWater resourcesGovernance
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeology
A groundwater resources assessment has been carried out for the Lake Nyasa Basin east Africa, with reference to sub catchments further to the whole basin wise analysis, including quantification of potential yields from the aquifers.... more
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Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day. For two millennia, people around the world have... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Soil and water are the two major resources in the Earth's hydro biological and geological systems. The hydrology of arid areas has become a topic of interest recently for hydrologists as water shortage at these areas can affect the... more
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      Iranian StudiesArid environmentsModeling and SimulationSurface Water Modeling
Climate change is severely impacting the hydrological cycle and consequently, water management. This will in turn have significant effects on human development and security. Climate change will increase the number of people living in... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeEnvironmental Impact AssessmentGroundwater Pollution
This study aims to show the impact of hydrological and geological conditions of the Badovc watershed (Kosovo) to water balance at Badovc Lake. The geological formations of the Lake basement consist of limestone, terrigenous formations,... more
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    • Assesment of Water Resource and Wateshed Managment
Water as a resource is essential to human life beside been the most fundamental resource for his socioeconomic development. Within the land-lock Northern Nigeria, the surface water and groundwater resource remain the only source of the... more
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      Irrigation water ManagementAssesment of Water Resource and Wateshed ManagmentPollutionCommon Pool Resources