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Great advances have been made in our understanding of the phylogeny and classification of Aga-vaceae in the last 20 years. In older systems Agavaceae were paraphyletic due to overemphasis of ovary position or habit. Discovery of a unique... more
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      PhylogeneticsMolecular SystematicsAgaveAsparagaceae
ALMEIDA DA SILVA, R.M., F.B. CALDAS & J.A. ROSSELLÓ (1998). La posición taxonómica de Scilla beirana Samp. (Hyacinthaceae). Anales Jará. Bot. Madrid 56(2): 253-260 (en inglés).
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      Plant AnatomyIberian PeninsulaCariologyMonocotyledons
Asparagales are a diverse monophyletic order that has numerous species (ca. 50% of monocots) including important crop plants such as Allium, Asparagus, and Vanilla, and a host of ornamentals such as irises, hyacinths, and orchids.... more
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      PhylogeneticsMolecular SystematicsAsparagaceaeAgavaceae
The history, introduction and distribution of Sansevieria burdettii in Malawi is described in detail; the species was studied or reported by Theo Peter Campbell-Barker, Richard K. Brummitt, Horst Pfennig, Bruce J. Hargreaves, Mavis... more
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Fessia is a genus of bulbous flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae (also treated as the family (Hyacinthaceae)). It is distributed from Iran to Central Asia and Pakistan. A number of species of Fessia, often... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesEnvironmental SciencesNew Species
A broad review of the history, discovery, introduction, taxonomy, nomenclature, distribution, habitats, ecology, and characteristics of Agave mitis (syn. A. celsii) is provided. A revised taxonomic concept is introduced: The invalidly... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)MexicoNomenclatureFlora
The Dragon tree, Dracaena draco (L.) L., is an extremely threatened species. Its natural regeneration is disturbed and population appears to decrease rapidly. To design appropriate germination and seedling establishment protocols for a... more
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      Seed germinationForest, Seed, ReforestationAsparagaceaeDracaenaceae
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      PhylogenomicsAgaveAsparagaceaeKaryotype evolution
Phylogenetic analyses of plastid DNA sequences of ndhF, trnL-F intron and spacer regions, and rpl16 are presented separately and combined for 41 taxa from all 12 genera of the Themidaceae and for 20 taxa from nine related families in the... more
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      Molecular SystematicsPlant SystematicsAsparagaceaeAsparagales
Today many gardeners are praising the virtues of foliage and hosta is one of the best perennial plants for foliage. We conducted a pot experiment to evaluate the performance in growth and flowering through two consecutive years and... more
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      AsparagaceaeLeaf MorphologyPerennialsPlantain lily
For two recently published species of Polianthes, P. alboaustralis E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez and P. cernua Art.Castro, J.G.González & Aarón Rodr., binomials in Agave are proposed: Agave alboaustralis (E.Solano & Ríos-Gómez) Thiede comb. nov.... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyMéxicoFlora
... Protasparagus and Myrsiphyllum are perhaps best treated as subgenera of Asparagus'. Mathew (1989) followed Dahlgren et al. (1985) in recognising the three genera, circumscribed as follows: Asparagus. ... (1985) and Mathew (1989)... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPlant BiologyBiologyAsparagaceae
The genus Chrysodracon has six endemic species in the Hawaii Islands. Chrysodracon hawaiiensis is endemic to Hawaii Island and was described as a distinct species in 1980. It was listed as an endangered species on the International Union... more
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      GeneticsConservation GeneticsPopulation GeneticsPopulation genetics (Biology)