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Collection of pupae and adults of Chironomidae was formed in northern Tunisia from 2003 to 2005. New for Tunisia species and form are listed: Glyptotendipes (Glyptotendipes) pallens (Meigen, 1804), Microten- dipes gr.... more
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    • Aquatic Insects Chironomidae
Aquatic insects are the major groups of arthropods that spend some parts of their life cycle in the water. These insects play an important role for transmission of some human and animal diseases. There is few information about the aquatic... more
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      EntomologyBiodiversityMedical EntomologyIran
A key has been developed for identifying the pupal exuviae of 132 taxa of chironomid midges collected in Everglades National Park, as well as 18 additional species from freshwater habitats adjacent to the Park. Descriptions and... more
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      Insect TaxonomyChironomidaeAquatic Insects ChironomidaeFreshwater Ecology (Aquatic insects, water pollution, bioindicator)
Manoa pahayokeensis n. sp. is described from, and diagnoses are provided for, adults, pupal exuviae, and presumptive larvae collected from the Taylor Slough and Chekika areas of Everglades National Park, Florida. The generic description... more
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      Freshwater EcologyInsect TaxonomyAquatic Insects Chironomidae
Larval chironomid mouthpart deformities are used as indicators of anthropogenic stress. However, there are limited data on the incidence of naturally occurring deformities. Chironomid larvae were collected from 252 reference sites... more
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      Great LakesBiomonitoringChironomidaeAquatic Insects Chironomidae
The relationships between physical properties, water chemistry and aquatic macroinvertebrates were investigated in riffles of four perennial streams in the arid northern Oman. Samples were collected monthly in autumn, winter and spring... more
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    • Aquatic Insects Chironomidae
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      Aquatic EcologyProductionAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)Population Dynamics
"The effects of sample fixation with alcohol and formaldehyde on length (L)-weight (W) relationship of chironomid larvae were quantified. Using the obtained relationships between fresh and preserved weights of larvae, the available data... more
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      Aquatic EcologyAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)BiogeographyBenthic macroinvertebrates
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      Aquatic EcologyInvertebrate BiologyFisheries ScienceStream ecology
Male imagos of Pseudochironomus viridis (Kieffer) are redescribed, the immature stages are described and figured for the first time. During this study, larva and pupal exuviae associated to P. richardsoni (Malloch) were recorded for the... more
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      ChironomidaeAquatic Insects Chironomidae
life cycles of Eukiefferiella claripennis (lundbeck 88) and Eukiefferiella minor (Edwards 2) (diptera: Chironomidae) in spring-fed streams of different temperatures with reference to climate change Elísabet ragna Hannesdóttir , gísli Már... more
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      Stream ecologyGlobal WarmingAquatic Insects Chironomidae
Quantitative samples of chironomid and ceratopogonid midge pupal exuviae were collected along 4 nutrient gradients in Everglades National Park (ENP) in order to determine midge community response to nutrient enrichment and identify... more
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      ChironomidaeAquatic Insects ChironomidaeFreshwater Ecology (Aquatic insects, water pollution, bioindicator)Bioassessment
As one group of Chironomidae Tanypodinae larvae can be used in biological assessment to detect the heavy metal pollution in aquatic environment, because they could show morphological changes due to the pollution. The study was aimed to... more
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      Aquatic InsectsChironomidaeHeavy Metals PollutionAquatic Insects Chironomidae
"Original name:
P/B коэффициенты личинок хирономид (прикладные аспекты математической модели). // Вид в ареале биология, экология и продуктивность водных беспозвоночных (Гл. ред. Хмелева Н.Н.) - Минск.: Навука i тэхнiка, 1990.- С. 85-89."
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      Aquatic EcologyProductionBiomassAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)
A larva was found covered with algae on the dorsal side of the head, thorax, abdomen and caudal gills. The larvae showed a phototactic behavior, using the caudal gills to follow a gradient of light, which also corresponded to a gradient... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Conservation Biology, Biodiversity, and Tropical EcologyAquatic Insects ChironomidaeSelected Groups of Insects (Odonata
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      Benthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebratesAquatic InsectsChironomids
ABSTRACT Depth distribution and seasonal dynamics of Procladius sp was studied in Lake Sewvan. The highest mean biomass (B) of 16.5 g/m^2 was observed at 10 -- 20 m depth. At 17 oC the development timer of summer generation took 47-58... more
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      ProductionFreshwater BiologyFreshwater EcologyBenthic Macroinvertebrates (Biology)
Land use may be the anthropogenic alteration with the greatest effect on ecosystem dynamics. In aquatic systems, food web pathways are highly influenced by the land use of surrounding areas, leading to different responses to the role of... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyWetlandsWetland EcologyUrban Wetlands
Syn: Ostrovsky, I. S. (1986). Growth and development of Chironomus markosjani in Lake Sevan. In: N. N. Kuznecova, A. G. Istomina (Eds.), Evolution, speciation and taxonomy of Chironomidae (pp. 126–130). AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Original... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEconomic GrowthInvertebrate BiologyAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)
Original Name:
Островский И.С. 1985. Зообентос озера Севан и его диманика. В кн.: Лимнологические и ихтиологические исследования озера Севан. Издательство АН Армянской ССР, Ереван.
(Редактор Р.О. Оганесян) с. 132-187
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      Aquatic EcologyBiomassAquatic ecology (Environmental Studies)Population Dynamics