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my Ë wbcvZ 5 mgc© Y ey ×Z¡ jv ‡fi ci nB ‡Z fMevb mg¨K m¤ŷ × cu qZvwjø k ermi hver †hB †jvKwnZKi ag© evYx Dc ‡`k `vb KwiqvwQ ‡jb Zvnv wÎwcUK MÖ ‡š' wjwce× Kwiqv ivLv nBqv ‡Q| eZ© gv ‡b MÖ š' Lvwb g j wÎwcU ‡Ki m Î wcUKvš M© Z Òmy Ë wbcvZÓ... more
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    •   14  
      Buddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesSouth Asian StudiesApplied Buddhism
From theory to practice, the paperwork deals with Feeling or vedana, the 2nd aggregate in line with other 4 aggregates which constitutes a human being. Interrelated to Dependent Co-arising, yogis can comprehend the 'Paths', one leading to... more
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      BuddhismApplied BuddhismTheravada Buddhism
This article will compare the diagnostic approaches of Western biomedicine and Tibetan medicine. The biomedical disease irritable bowel syndrome will be used as a case study. It will be contrasted with the multiple nosological categories... more
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      BuddhismHealth SciencesMedical SciencesMedical Anthropology
Theist religions argue for the pre-existence of self/Atman/ruh based on mentalistic idealism and/or interactive substance dualism frameworks; whereas Buddhism denies this; instead, this atheist religion (i) proposes Karmic theory... more
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after the transmission of Buddhism to China from India, which is based on Dependent Arising, in the spiritual thought aspect, it encountered with the interpretation of "essence and function" in Sinicized style. Master Dao'an, and Master... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese BuddhismApplied BuddhismChinese Buddhism (Buddhist Studies)
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
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      BuddhismPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
ไทย-Pali-Deutsch "Angewandte Theravada Praxis"
Übersetzung traditioneller Formeln, relevanter Suttas und Parittas in welchen Buddha direkte Empfehlungen abgibt und seine praktische Lehre darlegt.
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    • Applied Buddhism
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      BuddhismPhilosophyMetaphysicsBuddhist Philosophy
Approach the basis of Impermanence of Feelings (by a practical exercise) then adapting the Brahmajala sutta: The Supreme Net What the Teaching Is Not (Walshe, 1996) and the Mahanidana Sutta: The Great Discourse on Origination, (Walshe,... more
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      BuddhismApplied BuddhismTheravada BuddhismBuddhist Meditation
Probably most of us have been there to some degree, at least once. We probably have felt sadness, despair, sorrow or grief for different reasons, at least once. We are aware of the existence of these emotions. It is normal for humans to... more
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      BuddhismMindfulnessApplied BuddhismBuddhist Psychology
The Millennium Development Goals offer both a call to arms for a better world as well as a challenge for Buddhist Studies. These goals require institutions of higher learning to devote themselves to encouraging inquiry with sensitivity... more
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      Applied BuddhismTertiary EducationBuddhist Education
The implications of Dharma practice in everyday life decisions.
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    •   6  
      Buddhist StudiesApplied BuddhismEngaged BuddhismBuddhist Ethics