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Artykuł odpowiada na pytania o treść i źródła tzw. dekretu apostolskiego z Dz 15, w szczególności o sens terminu porneia. Przedstawiono najpierw skrótowo znaczenie jego hebrajskiego odpowiednika – rdzenia znh, a następnie użycie... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianitySeptuagintBiblical Theology
This article answers questions about the content and sources of the so-called apostolic decree in Acts 15, and in particular about the meaning of the term porneia. Starting with a brief presentation of the meaning of its Hebrew... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianitySeptuagintBiblical Theology
The created universe is the first revelation to us about what the Creator did but before the 16th century there was no natural science to investigate it adequately. All that was had was Scripture and tradition. In the last 200 years our... more
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      TheologyTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureThe Holiness of the Church - dogmatic development and ethical implicationsApostolic Tradition
How should a contemporary reader understand the complexities of the early church? Many scholars utilize a religious studies perspective to understand the early church concluding that the church grew as a direct result (synthesis) of group... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyCatholic EpistlesReligious Studies
The pioneer missionaries were churchmen and operated within confessional contexts. They adhered to the Ecumenical Creeds. They had not rejected the Apostolic Tradition. They were not innovators, but reformers. Part of being Confessionally... more
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      Bible TranslationsTraditional KnowledgeBiblical HermeneuticsBible Commentary
This essay attempts to evaluate the relations between the NT writings and the apostolic church. It also draws much attention on the relation between NT documents.
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      Catholic EpistlesNT THEOLOGYApostolic TraditionVeritas
This work briefly reviews the thematic importance of the Ascension in the post-consecratory anamnesis of ancient liturgies as a legitimate summation of Biblical themes related to what is called "exaltation Christology." Contrary to the... more
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      LiturgyEucharistEucharistic TheologyMedieval Liturgy
This is a doctoral paper I wrote for Patristics scholar Dr. Joanne McWilliam of Trinity College at the University of Toronto (one of my minors was in Patristics). My subject was how Pontius Pilate came to be in the Creed and what appeals... more
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      IrenaeusJustin MartyrTertullianPatristics and Biblical studies
In the preserved Greek text of Origen we cannot find the expressions 'apostolic tradition' and 'ecclesiastical tradition'. This absence draws our attention to the relationship between Origen and the earlier Christian tradition, that put... more
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      Early ChristianityTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureOrigenSt Jerome
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      ReligionLiturgical StudiesLiturgyEucharist
This essay provides a brief overview of the concept of "Apostolic Tradition," defining what that is, and what its source is. A defense of the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura is presented therein.
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      ChristianityProtestantismCatholic TheologyBiblical Theology
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityBook Review