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Late Early Permian-lowermost Triassic carbonate, siliceous (spiculites) and clastic marine sediments in the Marmierfjellet area (Isfjorden, central Spitsbergen) contain a relatively diverse and abundant trace fossil assemblage providing... more
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      GeologyTrace element GeochemistrySvalbardBlack shales
A multiproxy study of a new Upper Permian–Lower Triassic section (Xiaojiaba) in Sichuan Province, China, documents large changes in marine productivity, redox conditions and detrital input prior to the latest Permian mass... more
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      Anoxia and euxiniaPermian Triassic Boundary
Explaining the ~5-million-year delay in marine biotic recovery following the latest Permian mass extinction, the largest biotic crisis of the Phanerozoic, is a fundamental challenge for both geological and biological sciences. Ocean redox... more
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Molybdenum isotopes are considered to be a promising paleoredox proxy in reducing facies for evaluating either global-ocean redox conditions (given quantitative Mo uptake) or local redox conditions (given non-quantitative Mo uptake).... more
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      ChinaAnoxiaTriassicAnoxia and euxinia
Sedimentary burial of the essential nutrient phosphorus (P) under anoxic and sulfidic conditions is incompletely understood. Here, we use chemical and micro-scale spectroscopic methods to characterize sedimentary P burial along a water... more
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      Marine GeologyBlack Sea StudiesMarine geochemistrySediment diagenesis
May, A. (1996a): Relationship among sea-level fluctuation, biogeography, and bioevents of the Devonian: an attempt to approach a powerful, but simple model for complex long-range control of biotic crises. - Geolines, 3: 38-49, 2 figs.;... more
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      PalaeogeographyCoral ReefsBrachiopodaPaleobiogeography
Abstract Molybdenum isotopes are considered to be a promising paleoredox proxy in reducing facies for evaluating either global-ocean redox conditions (given quantitative Mo uptake) or local redox conditions (given non-quantitative Mo... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyChina
The evolution of complex life over the past 600 million years was disrupted by at least five mass extinctions, one of which occurred at the close of the Triassic period. The end-Triassic extinction corresponds to a period of high... more
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May, A. (1997g): Ein Modell zur Erklärung der Bio-Events und der biogeographischen Entwicklung im Devon durch den Meeresspiegel. - Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 31: 137-174, 5 figs.; Dortmund.... more
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      PalaeogeographyPaleontologyStratigraphyCoral Reefs
The evolution of complex life over the past 600 million years was disrupted by at least five mass extinctions, one of which occurred at the close of the Triassic period. The end-Triassic extinction corresponds to a period of high... more
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