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Ketamine has been rarely described for use in critically ill patients. We describe our institutional experience using continuous infusion ketamine for sedation. This was a retrospective chart review of patients admitted to the medical... more
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      AnesthesiologyPainChronic PainCritical Care Nusing
Introduction Respiratory depression is a common side effect of anaesthetic and analgesic agents. Guidelines for the minimum monitoring standards recommended the use of capnography monitoring for patients who have a supraglottic airway... more
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      Anaesthesia and Critical CareCapnography
Ventricular assist devices (VAD) represent a revolution for the management of severe heart failure. Their insertion requires the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. They are used either permanently for long term treatment of refractory heart... more
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    • Anaesthesia and Critical Care
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      Critical CareCritical Care MedicineICUINTENSIVE CARE
Assessment and optimization of hemodynamic parameters and oxygen delivery may improve outcome in critically ill patients. Optimum fluid management often needs to take hemodynamic parameter in to account. Comorbidity and critical illness... more
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      ObstetricsAnesthesiologyCritical CareCritical Care Medicine
Introduction:- Ketamine and Fentanyl used intrathecally as adjuvant to 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine for patients undergoing TAH to shorten the onset of sensory and motor blockade and prolonging the duration of block. Aims and Objective:-We... more
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    • Anaesthesia and Critical Care
Introduction: Methanol poisoning usually occurs in a cluster and initial diagnosis can be challenging. Mortality is high without immediate interventions. This paper describes a methanol poisoning outbreak and difficulties in managing a... more
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      Emergency MedicineClinical ToxicologyAnaesthesia and Critical Care
Hyperthyroidism is a common metabolic disorder with many cardiovascular manifestations. In rare cases, untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy with severe left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and if its associated... more
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      Health SciencesNeurologyOphthalmologyMedicine
Background: We designed this study to expand the usage of ultrasound to detect early occurrence of hypovolemia. We explore the potential use of inferior vena cava (IVC) and abdominal aorta (AA) diameter index (IVC:AA) measured... more
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      Emergency MedicineUltrasonographyAnaesthesia and Critical CareCrtical care
Introduction. The health locus of control gives a possibility to determine the patient's self-effi cacy resources, which are specifi c in locating health control actions. It also enables prediction of the type of health behaviours the... more
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      PsychologyAnaestheticsLocus of ControlAnaesthesiology
Introduction Emotions and cognition are tightly bound entities that have clear functional and organic basis [1]. Both of them can be disturbed in hospitalized patient. Negative emotions, like fear and anxiety infl uence the patients... more
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      PsychologyAnaesthesiologyAnaesthesiaAnaesthesia and Critical Care