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The absence of scholarship that takes seriously the progressive Jewish response to atheism and skepticism is not easy to explain. Historical accounts tend to follow the view that Reform Judaism was a “response to modernity” in the sense... more
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      ScepticismHistory of AtheismAmerican Reform Judaism
10 Kaufmann Kohler war zunächst Hirschs Schüler, wandte sich später aber der Reform zu und wurde einer ihrer bedeutendsten Vertreter in Deutschland und vor allem in den USA. Kohler fand durchaus anerkennende Worte für seinen Lehrer: "It... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsGershom ScholemFranz Rosenzweig
Redemption is an umbrella construct for a variety of eschatological ideas in classical Jewish thought, incorporating: a messiah, descended from the House of David; the ingathering of the Jewish exiles in the Land of Israel; the... more
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      Jewish StudiesReform JudaismModern Jewish ThoughtJewish Liturgy
1 entrale Themen, die auf dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil verhandelt wurdendie Reform des Gottesdienstes, der Abschied von einem instruktionstheoretischen Offenbarungsmodell 1 , die eigene Position innerhalb der Moderne und das Verhältnis zu... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsReligion and ModernityModern JudaismReform Judaism
GOD & Apple Pie Religious Myths and Visions of America Two sample chapters (by publisher's permission): 1. Native American Myths and Visions of America (Chapter 2) 2. Black Muslim Myths and Visions of America (Chapter 9)... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
İÜİFD yılda iki sayı olarak yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. İÜİFD'de yayımlanan yazıların bilimsel ve hukukî sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir. Yayımlanan yazıların bütün yayın hakları İÜİFD'ye ait olup, izinsiz olarak kısmen... more
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      JudaismModern Jewish HistoryReform JudaismAmerican Reform Judaism
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      New TestamentReligious PluralismJewish HistoryFreemasonry
Aydınlanma ve Fransız Devrimi’nin yaydığı düşünceler Avrupa’daki Yahudilerin yaşamında büyük değişiklikler meydana getirmiş, onlara vatandaşlık gibi önemli haklar kazandırmış ve bu durum Yahudileri ilk kez vatandaşı oldukları ulusun bir... more
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      Reform JudaismAmerican Reform Judaism
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      American HistoryNew TestamentHistory of the JewsFreemasonry
The Changing Status of Women in Modernity The age of modernity was a time of great optimism and hope for progress, for people in general and for Jews in particular. As Western societies began to reexamine and expand the freedom and rights... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and JudaismRelgion and GenderAmerican Reform Judaism
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      Civil EngineeringMusicMusicologyCultural Musicology