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In recent debates on empathy in various disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, psychopathology, cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, the discussion has focused on empathic experiences within the intersubjective context, either... more
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      AestheticsMax SchelerAnimationAristotle
The present chapter aims at reconstructing Else Voiltänder's philosophical relationship with one of her teachers, Alexander Pfänder, and to another female student of him, Gerda Walther. Focusing on the phenomenology of sentiments, the... more
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      Philosophy of EmotionAlexander PfänderPhenomenlogyHistory of Philosophy
Conceitos e problemas éticos 2
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      Alexander PfänderGerda WaltherMaximilian Beck
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      EpistemologyCritical RealismPhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
Contained in paper
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Nella sua Etica Dietrich von Hildebrand descrive le azioni umane come segue:
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      Philosophy of ActionAristotleMotivation (Psychology)Phenomenology
This discussion has already attracted some attention in the literature. For instance, Schuhmann has examined Pfänder's paper "Motives and Motivation" and its influence on Husserl. 5 More recently, Mulligan has dealt with Stein's... more
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      PhenomenologyEdith SteinMotivationPhenomenology of Action
La volontà e la motivazione sono argomenti basici della filosofia dell'azione, dell'ètica, della psicologia e dell'antropologia filosofica. Qui s'intende presentare e discutere la rilevanza di Motivi e Motivazione di Alexander Pfänder... more
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    • Alexander Pfänder
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      OntologyPhenomenologyAdolf ReinachMunich Phenomenology
Introduction If Johannes Daubert has been rightly nicknamed «the unknown phenomenologist» because, in spite of the influence he exerted upon several generations of Munich and Göttingen phenomenologists, he never published a «single... more
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      Philosophy of MindPerceptionIdealismPhenomenology
In her „Zur Ontologie der sozialen Gemeinschaften“ (1923), Gerda Walther sets out to analyze the ontological, not the phenomenological nature of community. In other words, her method does not begin from the question of how a community... more
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      Edmund HusserlEdith SteinSocial OntologyHusserl
From his philosophical beginnings Husserl was a careful, but critical reader of Hume’s work. His discussions of Hume form part of a wider appreciation of Hume in the German speaking world at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th... more
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund HusserlThe Self
Pareciera que la mayor parte de los estudiosos de Pfänder (incluido el propio Husserl) se han centrado más en Motivos y motivación que en Fenomenología de la voluntad en la medida en que en esa obra se encuentra una clara delimitación de... more
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      PhenomenologyAlexander Pfänder
This book is the first to offer a full account of the philosophical work of Else Voigtländer. Locating the sources of her thought in the philosophy and psychology of the 19th and 20th centuries in figures such as Nietzsche and Lipps, the... more
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      PsychoanalysisEmotionSelf and IdentityMax Scheler
In Sein und Zeit und in anderen Werken hat M. Heidegger die Behauptung aufgestellt, daß Wahrheit keinen Bestand habe, bevor der Mensch Sein entdecke, bzw. unabhängig vom "Entdeckendsein des Daseins (= Menschen)". So hätte es z. B. die... more
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      OntologyLogicTruthMartin Heidegger
La «Enciclopedia Virtual del Pensamiento Fenomenológico» es un proyecto orientado a generar investigación científica básica en torno a la fenomenología. Este proyecto tiene por sede la Universidad La Salle-México. El propósito de la... more
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      Max SchelerPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdith Stein
Koncis biografisk oversigt over fænomenologen Hedwig Conrad-Martius (1888-1966). HCM er ikke nogen pålidelig kilde til Edith Steins konversion og liv. HCM er en skarpsindig filosof, som livet igennem kæmper med megen modgang især... more
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      Edmund HusserlEdith SteinHedwig Conrad-MartiusAlexander Pfänder
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlAlexander PfänderPhenomenological Ethics
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      EthicsPhenomenologyFriedrich NietzscheAction Theory
Phenomenological accounts of self-consciousness are often said to combine two elements by means of a necessary connection: the primitive and irreducible subjective character of experiences and the idealist transcendental constitution of... more
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      Max SchelerPhenomenologySelf ConsciousnessThe Self
PAPERS 1) Andrea Pinotti (Università degli Studi di Milano). CUESTIONES DE CARÁCTER, EMPATÍA, EXPRESIÓN, ANALOGÍA. Traducido del italiano por Miguel Alberti (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) y Eugenio Monjeau (Universidad de Buenos... more
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      AestheticsPlatoAristotlePhilosophy of Art
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      Reasons and CausesAlexander Pfänder
The majority of Pfänder scholars (including Husserl himself) have focused more on Motives and Motivation than on the Phenomenology of Willing: in the former work there is a clear delimitation of the sphere of voluntary acts as opposed to... more
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      PhenomenologyAlexander Pfänder