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      TransnationalismCaribbean StudiesAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryAfrican American Studies
In my own research of South Africa’s apartheid system, I learnt that the idea of Apartheid itself was a carbon copy of Canada’s Reservation model. Immediately that struck a musical note in my Trinidad director’s head. Canada’s first... more
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      African and Caribbean Theatre HistoryCaribbean Theatre
It is an essay reflectinhg on how Indians in Guyana, even being a majority are silenced both by their own government and larger society
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisArchaeologyComparative Literature
A history of theatre in the five Portuguese-speaking African countries (Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Princípe, Angola, and Mozambique) from before the colonial period through to the current age.
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      MozambiqueAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistorySouthern AfricaAngola
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      African and Caribbean Theatre HistoryQueer TheatreIn-depth InterviewsWomen in the Theatre
On Carnival Monday, February 25, 1963, a mysterious explosion took place at the back of the Mexican Band on King George V Street, Roseau Dominica. As a result of the fire which erupted amidst the gaiety of what was a carnival parade,... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryDominican HistoryCalypso
Children who stutter face enormous challenges: from bullying and peer rejection to embarrassment, shame and despair. Often these young people shut down and retreat into silence. The Stuttering Association for the Young (SAY), a non-profit... more
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      Theatre StudiesAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryActingStuttering
Review of Emily Sahakian's 'Staging Creolization: Women’s Theater and Performance from the French Caribbean' (2017), in H-France Review Vol. 18 (February 2018), No. 36
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      Caribbean LiteratureAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryFrench TheatreFrench and Francophone Theatre
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryCaribbean LiteratureCaribbean Studies
An overview and interpretation of the play "Sequeira, Luís Lopes, the Wondrous Mulatto" (1993) by the Angolan playwright José Mena Abrantes, which deals with the early years of Angola's colonial history and the ambivalent figure of the... more
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      MusicPopular MusicAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryAfrican theatre and performance
Presentation given at the IETT Doctoral Seminar
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      Theatre StudiesAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryCaribbean women's writingFrench and Francophone Studies, African and Caribbean Literature, New World Studies, Gender and Women Studies
Paper given at Society for French Studies 59th Annual Conference, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 4 July 2018. Part of self-constituted panel 'Sexing the French Colonies': ‘Sexing the French Colonies’ sets out to explore various... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesColonialismPost-Colonialism
Paper given at Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies Conference, 19 November 2016. The status of French Caribbean studies within Francophone Postcolonial Studies can be problematic. Former colonies turned French administrative... more
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      Women's writingPostcolonial StudiesWomen's DramaAfrican and Caribbean Theatre History
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      Caribbean LiteratureAfrican and Caribbean Theatre HistoryFestivalsEdouard Glissant