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      Reception StudiesHistoriographyMedievalismBaltic Studies
Il XVII secolo incorpora forse il nucleo più significativo nel processo di sfruttamento in senso patriottico delle Antichità germaniche e nella conseguente riscoperta del mito del “Nord” scandinavo a opera dell’Uma-nesimo protestante.... more
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      MedievalismRunologyOld Norse ReligionThe reception of Old Norse Myth
Adam of Bremen was one of the most important chronicles of the eleventh century. He wrote a chronicle Gesta Hamburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. This work is full of information. Many of them are about northern Europe, Iceland, Greenland... more
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      American HistoryMedieval HistoryViking StudiesViking Age Archaeology
The article shows a characteristic duality in the perception of the pagan Slavs. The authors of chronicles and the lives of saint Otto perceive them as dangerous barbarians, yet they attribute positive traits, particularly hospitality.... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceViking StudiesSlavsPomorze
Even gods are not always above bureaucracy. Societies very different from each other have entertained the idea that the heavens might be arranged much like an earthly bureaucracy, or that mythological beings might exercise their power in... more
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      MythologyMedieval ScandinaviaRunic inscriptionsMythology (Old Norse Literature)
A draft version of the published paper „The Early Kings of Norway, the Issue of Agnatic Succession and the Settlement of Iceland“, Viator. Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 47:3 (Autumn 2016), 171-88. The early Norwegian... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
(NOTE: Inevitably, this thesis deals with some fairly specialised topics, and the work of Ian Wood or James Palmer is a far better place to begin when dealing with many of the issues it covers. This is especially true of the section on... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesIdentity (Culture)Race and Ethnicity
Fragmented identities: otherness and authority in Adam of Bremen's History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryIdentity (Culture)Medieval Scandinavia
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      Mythology (Old Norse Literature)Old Norse ReligionPagan/Christian Relations in the Early Middle AgesOld Norse literature and culture
Viene indagata la presenza dei mirabilia nei Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum di Adamo di Brema (sec. XI). L'interesse verso il meraviglioso (cristiano, magico, naturale, mostruoso), emerge a più riprese nelle pagine dello... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAdam of Bremen
Annotated and commented translation, with a preliminary study of fourth book of the Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum by Adam of Bremen.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Church HistoryViking StudiesViking Age Scandinavia
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      BremenAdam of BremenMittelalterarchäologie
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      Medieval StudiesOld Norse LiteratureManuscript StudiesViking Age Scandinavia
In this article an attempt has been made to explore the political motivations behind the dynastic connections between Denmark and Russia in the early twelfth century. So far this has not been done, although it can hardly be accidental... more
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      Medieval HistoryForeign Policy AnalysisMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Church History
Posterpräsentation zu den Bremer Welterbetagen 2022
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage TourismUnescoCultural World Heritage Sites
Originally we wrote this in preparation for other publications (2002); as the article stands now (2015), it has not been published in English before
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      Historiography, Medieval ChroniclesAdam of Bremen
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval Studies
After this survey we can assert that neither Adam of Bremen nor the Scandinavian sources describe for what Sven has become most famous in posterity, namely his involvement in English politics, the extension of the Danish monetary system... more
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      Medieval HistoriographyTheodoricus monachusMedieval ChroniclesSnorri Sturluson
During his life Olaf Haraldsson the Saint, king of Norway from 1015 to 1030, faced the enmity of Knud the Great, king of England and Denmark, who in 1028 forced him to exile and conquered his reign. In recounting the strife between the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HistoriographyMedieval ScandinaviaViking Studies
The subject of this article is the emergence of the term Norðrlönd in Old Norse textual culture, the different meaning and functions of this term, and its connection with the idea of a Northern people who shared certain features, such as... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryGeography
An investigation into tenth-century Ottonian imperialism across the Elbe-Saale, tracing the roots of present-day conceptions about the "Saxon March," comparing those conceptions to material and charter evidence, and concluding with an... more
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      Baltic StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesSlavic Studies
Full title: ‘Fears, Sights and Slaughter. Expressions of Fright and Disgust in the Baltic Missionary Historiography (11th-13th centuries)’, in: Per Förnegård, Erika Kihlman, Mia Åkestam, Gunnel Engwall (eds.), Tears, Sighs and Laughter.... more
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      History Of EmotionsMissionary HistoryThe Emotion of DisgustDisgust
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval StudiesBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
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      Church ArchaeologyCathedral archaeologyChristianization in ScandinaviaMedieval Wall Paintings
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryBaltic StudiesHistory Of EmotionsEmotional Labour
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      Church ArchaeologyCathedral archaeologyAdam of BremenCarolingian art and architecture
ABSTRACT Having already dedicated a corrected version of the by now lost original manuscript of Gesta Hammaburgensis to Archbishop Liemar in 1075, Adam of Bremen continued modifying the text until 1081, possibly even until 1085. His... more
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      Medieval StudiesLiterary CriticismManuscript StudiesScholia
Grzybowski, Lukas Gabriel (2016). O início da missão cristianizadora da Escandinávia e sua interpretação nas Gesta Hammaburgensis de Adam de Bremen, Signum 17 (1), pp.136-160.
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      Old Norse ReligionAdam of BremenChristianisation of Scandinavia
There seems to be a continuous difference of opinion between historians and church historians on one hand and archaeologists on the other regarding possible influence on early Christianity in Scandinavia from the Eastern Church. This... more
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      Early ChristianityRussian OrthodoxyOld Rus'Viking Age Scandinavia
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval ScandinaviaViking Age Scandinavia
Benché considerata meno nobile dell'idromele e del vino, la birra occupa un posto di rilievo nel mondo scandinavo medievale: secondo la mitologia norrena, infatti, essa era sacra al guerriero, e la poesia eddica ci mostra divinità come... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureBeer (Alcohol Studies)Medieval ScandinaviaViking Studies
This talk entitled 'Scandinavian proper names in Adam of Bremen's text' is devoted to Scandinavian onomastics and its reflexions in the corpus of Adam Bremensis (late XIth century). Адам Бременский — немецкий историк конца XI в., который... more
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      PhoneticsMedieval StudiesOnomasticsOld Norse Language
Both translations use the chapter divisions which correspond to the Roman numerals in Schmeidler's edition of the work as will this thesis. Tschan's translation of Adam's narrative will henceforth be abbreviated as AB; Schmeidler's... more
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      ColonialismChurch ReformIrishBarbarians
Reviewed by Marco Cassioli in Italian. The book was published in Romanian by Etnologică, Bucharest, 2019.
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      Religious ConversionPapacy (Medieval Church History)CisterciansMonasticism
In eleventh-century Denmark, the memory of the pagan kings of the Danes of the previous centuries was treated in many different ways: practices and choices of oral and written memory, oblivion and reinterpretations can be identified. We... more
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      Medieval ScandinaviaMemory StudiesDenmarkAdam of Bremen
This article aims to examine the narrative of the Amazons as part of a political and ethnic discourse. It pays particular attention to the connection between the tale of the Amazons and the history of the origins of the Goths. The... more
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      Women and War StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityNarrative and Identity
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      Church ArchaeologyCathedral archaeologyMedieval Wall PaintingsChristianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
This article focuses on one aspect of pleasure in the Sagas of Icelanders: the pursuit of pleasure by a saga character, the warrior-poet Þormóðr Kolbrúnarskáld Bersason. The parameters of this interpretation are therefore limited to the... more
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      RhetoricAristotleEmotional intelligenceMedieval Studies
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval StudiesReligious Conversion
Argues that Ottonian authors presented the Polabian landscape as a barbaric swamp, both highlighting their own status as a center of "civilization" and justifying Ottonian military incursions into the region.
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      Baltic StudiesThietmarAdam of BremenCarolingian and Ottonian ideology
Moderation: Julia Heinzel Henri Hoor Karolingische Wandmalereifragmente aus Bremen. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten einer Raumverortung Ausgehend von einer Anzahl an bemalten Wandputzfragmenten, die bei archäologischen Grabungen im Bremer St.... more
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      Medieval Wall PaintingsAdam of BremenMittelalterarchäologieArchäologie des Mittelalters
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      Ancient BiographySuetoniusSallustAdam of Bremen
Vortrag am 20.01.2015 im Kapitelsaal der Stiftung Bremer Dom e.V. anlässlich der Wiederauffindung von archäologischen Funden des Dom-Museums.
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      Museum AnthropologyMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyChurch Archaeology
This presentation will address two of the main methods with which the eleventh-century historian, Adam of Bremen, described both individuals and nations in his opus Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. Adam was a canonicus and a... more
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      Romanian LiteratureAdam of BremenCarolingian and Ottonian ideologySalian Germany
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      Latin LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Germany
This paper was part of a double session on spiritual nourishment in the peripheries, and served in part as a framework for the other papers. In my paper I look at how the biblical and the Graeco-Roman typologies of the north were... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Norway
Lezione dell'11 novembre 2014.
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      Old Norse LiteratureMedieval ScandinaviaViking StudiesKings´ Sagas