Acupuncture, Acupressure
Recent papers in Acupuncture, Acupressure
Tao - The Eye, the Center, the Axis or the Self of the omnipresent Reality/ Tao- Ochiul, centrul, axul sau sinele omniprezent al realitatii/ Tao-Calea nemijlocită, directă sau verticală catre realitatea sursă (eternă; atemporală by... more
Opioid-dependent women have an 80% to 90% unintended pregnancy rate, almost double the overall unintended pregnancy rate: 40% globally and 51% in north Amer-ica. The prescription drug abuse milieu increases the possibility opioid abusing... more
From the book : "...Yang is disturbance: an irresponsible action and yin is a force that comes to fore as a response to contain it. The result is Qi - all physical and metaphysical existence that ought to serve some purpose or the other.... more
Background. Auricular point acupressure (APA) is a promising treatment for pain management. Few studies have investigated the physiological mechanisms of APA analgesics. Method. In this pilot randomized clinical trial (RCT), a 4-week APA... more
Acupressure Mat Reviews
Uric acid is the last product of purin metabolism. The amount of uric acid in blood influenced by food high purines and or impairement of uric acid excretion in kidney. Accupressure is one of nursing intervention by giving a pressure on... more
Treatments based on peripheral stimulations of the sensory motor system (bottom-up stimulation) have been inspiring new rehabilitation approaches in PD especially to reduce the levodopa washout. This study was focalized on the evaluation... more
Context: Pain processing implicates multiple concurrent mechanisms of nociceptive transmission and modulation. Electroacupuncture (EA) analgesia involves mainly the activation of the endogenous anti-nociceptive systems that modulate pain... more
Ayurveda: "...a very unique fact. It says every Dhatu as well as the five mahabhoots (elements: Aakash, Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi) has an Agni. So the seven Agnis of seven Dhatu(s) plus five Agni(s) of the five elements total 12 Agni(s)... more
“So it all kind of depends… even in men compared to men, and women compared to women, you would have to have a counterpart to judge something as yin or yang—you are never statically just yin or just yang…” Elisa Fon is a student of... more
A review of the DVD Acupressure for Natural Pain Relief in Labour by Debra Betts and Tom Kennedy, for the journal EJOM.
Background Tobacco smoking is still a worldwide health risk. Current pharmacotherapies have at best, a success rate of no more than 50%. Auricular (ear) acupressure has been purported to be beneficial in achieving smoking cessation in... more