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Cedera atau injury merupakan sesuatu kerusakan pada struktur atau fungsi tubuh yang dikarenakan suatu paksaan atau tekanan fisik. Injury sering dialami oleh seorang atlet, seperti cedera goresan, robek pada ligamen, atau patah tulang... more
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      PhysiotherapyFootball (soccer)Physical TherapyAcl Injuries in Football Players
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 8-week retraining programs, with either two or three training sessions per week, on measures of functional performance and muscular power in athletes with anterior cruciate ligament... more
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      ACLExercise ScienceAcl Injuries in Football PlayersACL reconstruction
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) has been established as the gold standard for treatment of complete ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in active, symptomatic individuals. In contrast, treatment... more
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      ACLACL reconstructionAcl SurgeryAcl Rehabilitation
There have been numerous treatments developed to address ligament injury, given the functional impact of such injury on lifestyle and participa- tion in physical activities at all levels of recre- ational and competitive endeavors. With... more
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      ACLAcl Injuries in Football PlayersACL reconstructionAcl Surgery
Introducción: La reconstrucción del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA) se ha establecido como el estándar de oro para el tratamiento de las rupturas completas del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA) en individuos activos y sintomáticos.... more
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      ACLAcl Injuries in Football PlayersACL injuryAcl Surgery
Study design: Pretest post-test observational parallel-group design. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of passive knee extension mobilization in addition to exercise therapy on extension range of motion (ROM) in patients with... more
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      Shoulder biomechanicsOsteoarthritisKnee injuriesAcl Surgery
RESUMEN. Las lesiones del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) hoy en día son tratadas principal-mente con injerto de isquiotibiales y una amplia gama de técnicas y sistemas de fijación del LCA en busca de una menor morbilidad del paciente.... more
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      ACL reconstructionAcl SurgeryAcl Rehabilitation
Ligament injury is a frequently cited cause of functional disability and affects people participating in a wide range of physical activities and levels of play. There are numerous potential benefits of ligament repair that include... more
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      ACLAcl Injuries in Football PlayersACL reconstructionAcl Surgery
Ligament injury is a frequently cited cause of functional disability and affects people participating in a wide range of physical activities and levels of play. There are numerous potential benefits of ligament repair that include... more
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      ACLAcl Injuries in Football PlayersACL reconstructionAcl Surgery