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1972, Physics Letters B
4 pages
1 file
An analysis of the 4°At(r, t)4°K reactions populating the 0 + analog state at 4.38 MeV and the 0 + antianalog state at 1.65 MeV with incident 3He energies of 35 and 18 MeV is made, including contributions from a pickup-stripping reaction mechanism as well as a conventional direct reaction mechanism. Agreement in magnitude and shape between calculated and experimental cross sections is best when both mechanisms are allowed to contribute.
Physical Review C
Background: Heavy-ion induced two-nucleon transfer reactions are powerful tools to reveal peculiar aspects of the atomic nucleus, such as pairing correlations, single-particle and collective degrees of freedom, and more. Also, these processes are in competition with the direct meson exchange in the double charge exchange reactions, which have recently attracted great interest due to their possible connection to neutrinoless double-beta decay. In this framework, the exploration of two-nucleon transfer reactions in the 20 Ne + 116 Cd collision at energies above the Coulomb barrier is particularly relevant since the 116 Cd nucleus is a candidate for the double-β decay. Purpose: We want to analyse selected transitions to low-lying 0 + and 2 + states of the residual nuclei in the 116 Cd(20 Ne, 22 Ne) 114 Cd two-neutron pickup and 116 Cd(20 Ne, 18 O) 118 Sn two-proton stripping reactions at 306 MeV incident energy and determine the role of the couplings with inelastic transitions. Methods: We measured the excitation energy spectra and absolute cross sections for the two reactions using the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer to detect the ejectiles. We performed direct coupled reaction channels and sequential distorted wave Born approximation calculations using the double folding São Paulo potential to model the initial and final state interactions. The spectroscopic amplitudes for two-and single-particle transitions were derived by different nuclear structure approaches: microscopic large-scale shell model, interacting boson model-2 and quasiparticle random phase approximation. Results: The calculations are able to reproduce the experimental cross sections for both twoneutron and two-proton transfer reactions provided that the couplings with the inelastic channels are taken into account. A competition between the direct and the sequential process is found in the reaction mechanism. For the two-proton transfer case, the inclusion of the 1g7/2 and 2d5/2 orbitals in the model space is crucial.
Physical Review C, 1997
Cross sections for single (1 p) and multinucleon (2 p, 4 He, and p 4 He͒ transfer reactions have been measured in 19 F, 16 O, 12 Cϩ 232 Th systems at beam energies around the Coulomb barrier. Angular distributions and energy spectra of the projectilelike particles exhibit characteristics of direct transfer reactions. The ratio of the transfer to total reaction ͑transferϩfusion-fission͒ cross section is observed to be significantly smaller for the 12 C projectile, as compared to that for 19 F and 16 O projectiles. All the systems show large transfer cross sections relative to the total reaction cross section at subbarrier energies. The angular distribution data were analyzed in terms of transfer probabilities to derive the slope parameter (␣) for the stripping of 1p and 2p in the case of 16 O and 12 C projectiles and for 1p, 4 He and correlated ͑p 4 He͒ stripping in the case of 19 F projectile, for comparison with the semiclassical calculations. It is observed that the semiclassical picture is valid for 1p transfer at energies near the Coulomb barrier, whereas for correlated 2p, 4 He, and ͑p 4 He͒ multinucleon transfers, the experimental values of ␣ are anomalously small as compared to the semiclassical calculations even at subbarrier energies. At the above-barrier energies, the slope anomaly can be explained after inclusion of the nuclear effects in semiclassical calculations. ͓S0556-2813͑97͒03310-4͔
Physical Review C, 1982
Qualitative arguments are given to show that although first-order distorted-wave Born approximation calculations are adequate for the treatment of single-nucleon transfer reactions, there is little reason to trust them for two-nucleon or multinucleon transfer reactions. A first-plus-second Born approximation calculation is presented for the Pb(' 0, ' 0) Pb ground state transition, at bombarding energies below and slightly above the Coulomb barrier. It is found that successive transfer (two-step) processes account for almost all the observed cross section. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Theory of oneand two-step contributions to ' 'Pb("0 "0) Pb.
Physical Review C
Background: Two-nucleon transfer reactions provide a unique tool to understand the correlation between nucleon pairs. Two-nucleon (pp, nn, and np) transfer reactions can occur via isoscalar (T = 0, S = 1) or isovector (T = 1, S = 0) processes. In particular, the isoscalar pair transfer can be induced by the (α, d) or (6 Li, α) probes. In the past, most of the isoscalar np-transfer studies were performed with the (α, d) reaction, but this probe is strongly momentum mismatched with respect to other two-nucleon transfer reactions. Purpose: We aim to investigate the interplay between direct and sequential reaction mechanisms from the analysis of experimental (6 Li, α) angular distributions in light targets. Method: Differential cross sections of (6 Li, α) reactions at a beam energy of 20 MeV were measured with 12 C and 19 F targets. The interplay between direct and sequential transfer mechanisms in the experimental angular distributions was investigated with coupled-reaction-channels calculations. Results: The experimental angular distributions of isoscalar np transfer were compared with theoretical calculations assuming a direct or a sequential reaction mechanism. Direct np-transfer calculations describe successfully most of the angular distributions. The sequential transfer mechanism is about two orders of magnitude smaller than the direct process. Conclusions: The present results suggest a significant np correlation in the 12 C(6 Li, α) 14 N * and 19 F(6 Li, α) 21 Ne * reactions. Despite the relatively low cross section for the reactions with the asymmetric 19 F target, the direct transfer mechanism remains dominant over the sequential process. Further studies including measurements with other asymmetric sd-shell nuclei will be required to fully understand the isoscalar and isovector np-transfer mechanism in this nuclear region.
Physical Review C, 2004
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1975
A model for multinucleon transfer reactions is suggested, according to which the main contribution to the reaction is due to collisions with orbital angular momenta lying between the critical angular momentum for formation of a compound nucleus and the angular momentum of the grazing trajectory. It is shown that the time of such collisions is comparable to the time of flight of the projectile in the field of the target but much longer than the time of nuclear orbiting. An expression is derived for the reaction amplitude on the assumption that different partial waves are allowed to interfere as in the case of a direct reaction and that the partial wave cross sections are proportional to the level density of the given reaction product. The energy spectra calculated with this model are found to agree with the experimental spectra of products of the interaction of 145 MeV "N with 282 Th in those cases in which many nucleons are transferred from the projectile to the target. § l. Introduction
Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 1992
Angular distributions of cross sections have been measured for single nucleon transfer reactions induced by 344.5 MeV 12C ions on a 12C target. DWBA analyses have been performed for transitions to discrete final states. Spectroscopic information has been derived and is compared with results of other studies.
Physics Letters B, 1986
One-proton and one-neutron stripping reactions induced by a 793 MeV 160 beam bombarding a 2°8pb target have been studied at the GANIL facility using a high resolution energy-loss magnetic spectrometer. The reactions are governed by two semi-classical selection rules which are naturally contained in the one-step EFR-DWB A formalism. Relative intensities of the populated states are well reproduced by this formalism which, on the other hand, fails to correctly predict absolute cross section values.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2021
Two-nucleon transfer reactions are essential tools to investigate specific features of the nuclear structure such as the correlation among valence particles in the transfer process. Besides, transfer reactions may be an important channel to take into account in charge exchange processes since they can represent a competing contribution to the final cross section. The two-proton pickup transfer reaction 40 Ca(18 O, 20 Ne) 38 Ar has been measured at 270 MeV and the angular distributions for transitions to different excited states extracted. This work shows the analysis of the data performed by finite-range coupled reaction channel and coupled channel Born approximation methods. Extensive shell-model calculations are performed to derive the one-and two-proton spectroscopic amplitudes for the projectile and target overlaps. The role of the simultaneous and sequential two-proton transfer mechanisms to populate the measured final states or groups of states, mainly characterized by a high collectivity, is also discussed. I.
Physical Review C, 2021
Two-nucleon transfer reactions are essential tools to investigate specific features of the nuclear structure, such as the correlation among valence particles in the transfer process. Besides, transfer reactions may be an important channel to take into account in charge-exchange processes since they can represent a competing contribution to the final cross section. The two-proton pickup transfer reaction 40 Ca(18 O, 20 Ne) 38 Ar has been measured at 270 MeV, and the angular distributions for transitions to different excited states extracted. This paper shows the analysis of the data performed by finite-range coupled reaction channel and coupled-channel Born approximation methods. Extensive shell-model calculations are performed to derive the one-and two-proton spectroscopic amplitudes for the projectile and target overlaps. The role of the simultaneous and sequential two-proton transfer mechanisms to populate the measured final states or groups of states, mainly characterized by a high collectivity, is also discussed.
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