Papers by Benjamin Bayman
The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn reaction has been studied in a high resolution experiment at an incident ener... more The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn reaction has been studied in a high resolution experiment at an incident energy of 21 MeV. Differential cross sections for 37 transitions to levels of 118Sn up to an excitation energy of about 3.6 MeV have been measured. Cluster and microscopic DWBA analysis and shell model calculations have been carried out
Changing Facets of Nuclear Structure, 2008
The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn reaction has been studied in a high-resolution experiment at an incident ener... more The 120Sn(p,t)118Sn reaction has been studied in a high-resolution experiment at an incident energy of 21 MeV. Differential cross-sections for 37 transitions to levels of 118Sn up to an excitation energy of about 3.6 MeV have been measured. Cluster and microscopic DWBA analysis and shell model calculations have been carried out.
Physical Review Letters, 1984
Comment on "Fission of Uranium Nuclei in Flight at Relativistic Energies" 50 Ag In a recent Lette... more Comment on "Fission of Uranium Nuclei in Flight at Relativistic Energies" 50 Ag In a recent Letter, ' Jain et al. reported the observation of binary-fission events initiated by relativistic U projectiles in nuclear emulsion. Their main observations were:
Physical Review Letters, 1984
We have calculated the excitation energies of projectile fragments produced when relativistic pro... more We have calculated the excitation energies of projectile fragments produced when relativistic projectiles make peripheral collisions with target nuclei. We find that the excitation energy of the fragment is much greater when the target nucleus is relatively heavy (such as Ag or Br) than when it is light (C or 0). This could explain the difference between the results of anomalon searches in nuclear emulsion and plastic detectors.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2009
The 118Sn(p,t)116Sn and 124Sn(p,t)122Sn reactions have been measured at an incident proton energi... more The 118Sn(p,t)116Sn and 124Sn(p,t)122Sn reactions have been measured at an incident proton energies of 24.6 and 25 MeV respectively in the framework of a systematic study of the even tin isotopes using (p, t) reactions in high resolution experiments at the Munich HVEC Tandem, with the Q3D spectrograph.
Progress is briefly reported on the following studies: anomalously short mean free paths in perip... more Progress is briefly reported on the following studies: anomalously short mean free paths in peripheral relativistic collisions, spin-dependent effects in heavy ion reactions, polarization potential for heavy ions, form factors for the collision of deformed nuclei, geometrical calculation of nucleus-nucleus reaction cross section, gamma decay of the giant quadrupole resonance, form factors for ..cap alpha..-transfer reactions, the effect of channel
Physical Review C, 1983
Erratum: Inelastic proton scattering to particle-hole states in 40Ca and spin-isospin excitation ... more Erratum: Inelastic proton scattering to particle-hole states in 40Ca and spin-isospin excitation of pion symmetry states [
Physical Review C, 1983
Coupled channel calculations were carried out for the inelastic scattering of ' C on Mg using for... more Coupled channel calculations were carried out for the inelastic scattering of ' C on Mg using form factors generated in a single folding model. We studied the population probability P~for Mg in the 1.37 MeV 2+ level with~m~=1 and ' C in its ground state. Using spin-independent potentials the excitation of various states in "C gave rise to a maximum P~(6') of 0.2%. This increased to 0.3% when spin-dependence was allowed for in an approximate manner. At 10' the calculations fell significantly short of the experimental data. Large polarizations were found when excited states of ' C were populated; these effects are discussed. NUCLEAR REACTIONS "C+ Mg inelastic scattering, E =35 MeV; coupled channel study of~m~=1 population probability for the Mg 1.37 MeV 2+ level and polarization phenomena.

Physical Review Letters, 1969
The isospin degree of freedom of the pairing force is studied in the framework of the rotational ... more The isospin degree of freedom of the pairing force is studied in the framework of the rotational (D & 0) and vibrational (6 =0) models. The magnitude 4 is the BCS gap parameter. The predictions of the two models concerning two-nucleon transfer reactions and energy levels are compared and contrasted. Some of the available experimental material around Ni56 is discussed in this framework. Further experiments are suggested which would help decide between the coupling schemes. In medium-weight nuclei, where neutrons and this state by the set of quantum numbers (N, T, ; protons fill the same shells, it is important to N, T» TT,). Here T, is the total isospin of the take account of the isospin properties of the T = & N, removal quanta. It can take on the values T, pairing force. The character of the spectrum =N"N,-2,~-~, 0, or 1. (The situation is fully that results depends upon the strength G of the analogous to the angular momenta possible for pairing force. Let G, be the smallest value of G N, quanta in the isotropic three-dimensional harfor which there exists a solution of the BCS equamonic oscillator.) Similarly T, is the total isotions. Then if G «"the system can be described spin of the N, addition quanta. The total isospin in terms of pairing vibrations; if t" &t", the sys
Physical Review Letters, 1983
We are indebted to P. S. Freier and C c J. Waddington for making their individual-^ data availabl... more We are indebted to P. S. Freier and C c J. Waddington for making their individual-^ data available to us.
Physical Review Letters, 1982
Physical Review C, 1990
We construct microscopic form factors for the simultaneous transfer of pairs of nucleons carrying... more We construct microscopic form factors for the simultaneous transfer of pairs of nucleons carrying angular momentum L =0 and 2 using the deformed cylindrical harmonic oscillator basis. We perform a detailed comparison with macroscopic form factors and we specialize the discussion to the vicinity of values of the angular velocity, particle number, and energy for which degeneracies occur. At these so-called "diabolic points" a nuclear manifestation of Berry's phases takes place.

Physical Review, 1959
An attempt is made to describe the seven levels of Zr" below 3.6 Mev in terms of the proton confi... more An attempt is made to describe the seven levels of Zr" below 3.6 Mev in terms of the proton configurations (2Pg/g)g, (2Pug lggn), and (1ggig)g. The level positions and the compositions of the two 0+ states are determined for Gaussian and Yukawa forces of various ranges and exchange characters. The experimental data are well reproduced for a reasonable choice of the force parameters, the best fit being obtained with a Serber exchange mixture and a range of about 1.5 fermis. The experimental values of the half-lives of the excited states can also be reconciled with these simple configurational assignments. The most serious discrepancy is in the half-life of the first excited (0+) state, which we calculate to be 1.35X10 sec, as compared to the observed value of (6.0+1.5) X10 ' sec. The remaining discrepancies in the energies and half-lives are in the direction of the eRects produced by a slight deformation of the Sr8 core.
Physical Review C, 2006
The semiclassical model of relativistic Coulomb excitation is studied in situations in which the ... more The semiclassical model of relativistic Coulomb excitation is studied in situations in which the impact parameter is small enough so that projectile and target charge distributions overlap. The electromagnetic effects of this overlap are shown to be small. Realistic nucleon-nucleon reaction cross-sections, and realistic nuclear radial charge and matter distributions are used to determine a formula for the lower impact parameter limit to be used in the calculation of the Coulomb excitation cross-section. A wide selection of projectile-target pairs is explored, in the bombarding energy range of 1 GeV to 5 GeV per nucleon.
Physical Review, 1964
The intent of the work reported here has been to ascertain which properties of nuclei with 20&Z, ... more The intent of the work reported here has been to ascertain which properties of nuclei with 20&Z, X&28 are consistent with wave functions composed of a Ca" core plus Z-20 protons and N-20 neutrons in the 1 f&(r shell. We have attempted to determine the 1 f7 fs nucleon-nucleon interaction from the observed levels of Sc4', assuming that these can be interpreted as due to the con6guration (1frls)'. Following Talmi, we have then treated this interaction exactly, within the framework of our pure configuration assumption. We have found that many of the observed properties of these nuclei are reproduced by this model, in particular the systematics of low-lying nuclear spina, magnetic moments, ft values, and (p,d) and (d,p) spectroscopic factors. However, several nuclei have more low-lying states than the (1fr~s)" con6guration can provide at the corresponding energies.
We use the spectrum of 42Sc as input to calculate wave functions and energy levels of all nuclei ... more We use the spectrum of 42Sc as input to calculate wave functions and energy levels of all nuclei in the single-j-shell model with j equal to f_7/2. The value of these results for educational purposes is pointed out. Also new insights emerge. For example, it is noted that for the (Z=4,N=4) nucleus 48Cr, a good quantum number comes out: (-1)^(v_p+v_n)/2, where v_p and v_n are the seniority quantum numbers of the protons and neutrons, respectively.
In the nuclear f_7/2 shell, the nucleon-nucleon interaction can be represented by the eight value... more In the nuclear f_7/2 shell, the nucleon-nucleon interaction can be represented by the eight values E(J)=<(f^2_7/2)^J |V| (f^2_7/2)^J>, J=0,1,...,7, where for even J the isospin is 1, and for odd J it is 0. If we set the T=0 (odd J) two-body matrix elements to 0 (or to a constant), we find several degeneracies which we attempt to explain in this work. We also give more detailed expressions than previously for the energies of the states in question. New methods are used to explain degeneracies that are found in 45Ti (I=25/2- and 27/2-), 46V (I=12^+_1 and 13^+_1, as well as I=13^+_2 and 15+), and 47V (I=29/2- and 31/2-).
Studies of the Coulomb excitation of a target by a relativistic projectile usually assume that th... more Studies of the Coulomb excitation of a target by a relativistic projectile usually assume that the mediating electromagnetic field is a classical field. In this paper, we derive a time-dependent effective potential, that can be used to study the time-development of the target wave function, which takes into account the fact that the mediating electromagntic field is actually quantized. This effective potential is free of the difficulties associated with the classical mediating field, namely the divergence at high bombarding energies of certain excitation cross-sections. The results of some coupled-channel calculations indicate significant differences for bombarding energies per nucleon ≥ 2 GeV, between calculations using the classical or quantized electromagnetic fields. 1
Papers by Benjamin Bayman